Nathan Harper
Nathan Earnest Harper I is the Chief
Pittsburgh Police Chief
The Pittsburgh Police Chief is the head of the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police, appointed by the Mayor of Pittsburgh. The Chief is a civilian administrator, and was historically referred to as the Police Superintendent as well as Chief, both titles having the same authority and meaning.-Chiefs:*Nathan...

 of the Pittsburgh Police
Pittsburgh Police
The Pittsburgh Police, or officially the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police, is the largest law enforcement agency in Western Pennsylvania and the third largest in Pennsylvania...

, a position he has held since October 31, 2006. Prior to this appointment he was the longtime "Assistant Chief in Charge" of the Investigations Branch. In the 1990's Harper spearheaded the formation of the city's Street Response Unit and was previously a Sergeant in the city's Traffic Division. He is Pittsburgh's third African American
African American
African Americans are citizens or residents of the United States who have at least partial ancestry from any of the native populations of Sub-Saharan Africa and are the direct descendants of enslaved Africans within the boundaries of the present United States...

 Chief of Police.

Nathan Harper III

The Chief's Grandson, Nathan Harper III was arrested in June 2011 and charged with assault.

See also

External Links

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