Nagoya City Tram
Nagoya City Tram was a tram
A tram is a passenger rail vehicle which runs on tracks along public urban streets and also sometimes on separate rights of way. It may also run between cities and/or towns , and/or partially grade separated even in the cities...

 service in the Japanese city of Nagoya. The service dates back to 1898 and was operating until 1974. Responsible for its operation was the Transportation Bureau City of Nagoya
Transportation Bureau City of Nagoya
is a public organization of transportation in Nagoya, Japan. The organization operates subways and buses. It was founded in 1922, as an operator of Nagoya City Tram bought from Nagoya Electric Railroad, the current Nagoya Railroad...


Some of the old trams were saved and are kept in the Nagoya City Tram & Subway Museum
Nagoya City Tram & Subway Museum
The Nagoya City Tram & Subway Museum is located in the city of Nagoya, central Japan.The museum houses a collection of the city's old subway trains and trams. The museum visitors can practice driving Nagoya's present-day subway trains and older models of streetcars using Playstation-style computer...

 and the Nagoya City Science Museum
Nagoya City Science Museum
The Nagoya City Science Museum is a museum located in Sakae, Nagoya in central Japan.The museum houses one of Japan's largest planetariums in the astronomy section and has three main sections on modern technology, life sciences and general science with a variety of hands-on exhibits...

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