NYU Child Study Center

A new era

The NYU Child Study Center is poised to begin a new and exciting chapter of excellence in cutting-edge care, research and education with the appointment of Glenn Saxe, M.D., as the new chairman of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the NYU School of Medicine and director of the Child Study Center, effective October 1, 2010.

Having served as an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School
Harvard Medical School
Harvard Medical School is the graduate medical school of Harvard University. It is located in the Longwood Medical Area of the Mission Hill neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts....

and an attending psychiatrist at Children’s Hospital Boston, his primary research focus has been childhood traumatic stress, specifically using innovative methods to elucidate the biobehavioral processes that lead to mental health issues in traumatized children. With a strong commitment to translational research, both as an administrator and a clinician-scientist, he has worked to bridge research and clinical science to develop effective therapies for childhood mental health issues, an innovative approach that he will work to continue at the CSC.

The NYU Child Study Center, under Dr. Saxe's leadership, is in position to embark on a revolutionary path; one that focuses on high-risk, high-reward science and innovation in mental health services for children.
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