between those that are good (or right) and bad (or wrong). A moral code is a system of morality (for example, according to a particular philosophy
, religion
, culture
, etc.) and a moral is any one practice or teaching within a moral code. The adjective
moral is synonymous with "good" or "right." Immorality is the active opposition to morality (i.e.
MORALITY: A traditional code of decency that went out the window about the same time as belief in eternal damnation.
Morality is character and conduct such as is required by the circle or community in which the man's life happens to be placed. It shows how much good men require of us.
Morality's not practical. Morality's a gesture. A complicated gesture learnt from books.
All systems of morality are fine. The gospel alone has exhibited a complete assemblage of the principles of morality, divested of all absurdity. It is not composed, like your creed, of a few common-place sentences put into bad verse. Do you wish to see that which is really sublime? Repeat the Lord's Prayer.
Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it.
There are two principles of established acceptance in morals; first, that self-interest is the mainspring of all of our actions, and secondly, that utility is the test of their value.
The system of morality which Socrates made it the business of his life to teach was raised upon the firm basis of religion. The first principles of virtuous conduct which are common to all mankind are, according to this excellent moralist, laws of God; and the conclusive argument by which he supports this opinion is, that no man departs from these principles with impunity.
Socrates taught that true felicity is not to be derived from external possessions, but from wisdom, which consists in the knowledge and practice of virtue; that the cultivation of virtuous manners is necessarily attended with pleasure as well as profit; that the honest man alone is happy; and that it is absurd to attempt to separate things which are in nature so closely united as virtue and interest.
It is the dutiful disposition of each person to spread morality outside of himself to the best of his ability and knowledge, i.e., to see to it that everyone has the same disposition he has ... It follows from this that the overall end of the moral community as a whole is to produce unanimity concerning matters of morality.
Morality rests upon a sense of obligation; and obligation has no meaning except as implying a Divine command, without which it would cease to be.