Modest Ivanovitch Bogdanovich
Modest Ivanovitch Bogdanovich (russ. Модест Иванович Богданович; 26 August / 7 September 1805 – 25 July / 6 August 1882, Oranienbaum
Lomonosov, Russia
Lomonosov is a municipal town in Petrodvortsovy District of the federal city of St. Petersburg, Russia, situated on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, west of St. Petersburg proper. Population:...

, Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg is a city and a federal subject of Russia located on the Neva River at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea...

) was a Russian lieutenant-general and military historian. A nephew of the poet Ippolit Bogdanovich
Ippolit Bogdanovich
Ippolit Fyodorovich Bogdanovich was a Russian classicist author of light poetry, best known for his long poem Dushenka .- Biography :...

, Modest became an officer in 1823 and served in the war against the Poles. In 1839 he became professor of military history and strategy at the St Petersburg Military Academy.


  • Bonaparte's Campaign in Italy of 1796. St. Petersburg (1859–60)
  • Rumjanzow's, Potemkin's and Sawyrow's campaigns in Turkey. (1852)
  • History of the Great Patriotic War of 1812. 2 Volumes. St. Petersburg (1861)
  • History of the Wars of 1813. St. Petersburg (1863–69)
  • History of the Wars of 1814.
  • History of the rule of Alexander I. 6 Vols. St. Petersburg (1869–71)
  • The oriental war of 1854–56. 4 Vols. St. Petersburg (1876)
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