Metatextuality is a form of intertextual
Intertextuality is the shaping of texts' meanings by other texts. It can include an author’s borrowing and transformation of a prior text or to a reader’s referencing of one text in reading another. The term “intertextuality” has, itself, been borrowed and transformed many times since it was coined...

 discourse in which one text makes critical commentary on another text. This concept is related to Gérard Genette
Gérard Genette
Gérard Genette is a French literary theorist, associated in particular with the structuralist movement and such figures as Roland Barthes and Claude Lévi-Strauss, from whom he adapted the concept of bricolage.-Life:...

's concept of hypertextuality
Hypertextuality is a postmodern theory of the inter-connectedness of all literary works and their interpretation.The prefix 'hyper' is derived from the Greek 'above, beyond or outside'...

in which a text changes or expands on the content of another text.
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