Meknattane Nunataks
Meknattane Nunataks is a cluster of rock outcrops on the east side of Polarforschung Glacier
Polarforschung Glacier
Polarforschung Glacier is a heavily crevassed glacier flowing northward along the west side of Meknattane Nunataks to Publications Ice Shelf. Vestknatten Nunatak lies within the mouth of the glacier. Delineated in 1952 by John H. Roscoe from aerial photographs taken by U.S. Navy Operation Highjump...

 where it flows to Publications Ice Shelf
Publications Ice Shelf
Publications Ice Shelf is an ice shelf about 35 nautical miles long on the south shore of Prydz Bay, between Mount Caroline Mikkelsen and Stornes Peninsula. Several glaciers, listed from southwest to northeast, nourish the ice shelf: Polar Times Glacier, Il Polo Glacier, Polarforschung Glacier,...

. The feature consists of a massive ridge with broken outcrops to the south and east. Mapped from air photos by the Lars Christensen Expedition (1936) and named Meknattane (the middle crags). Also photographed by U.S. Navy Operation Highjump (1946–47). The geology of the feature was investigated by I.R. McLeod, geologist with the ANARE (Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
The Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions is the historical name for the Australian Antarctic Program administered for Australia by the Australian Antarctic Division .-The ANARE Name:...

) Prince Charles Mountains
Prince Charles Mountains
Prince Charles Mountains is a major group of mountains in Mac. Robertson Land in Antarctica, including the Athos Range, the Porthos Range, and the Aramis Range. The highest peak is Mount Menzies . Other prominent peaks are Mount Izabelle and Mount Stinear...

survey party in January 1969.
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