Meatcake, or meatloaf cake, is a cake or other dessert
In cultures around the world, dessert is a course that typically comes at the end of a meal, usually consisting of sweet food. The word comes from the French language as dessert and this from Old French desservir, "to clear the table" and "to serve." Common Western desserts include cakes, biscuits,...

 look-alike that is made with meat in a meatloaf
Meatloaf is a dish of ground meat formed into a loaf shape and baked or smoked. The loaf shape is formed by either cooking it in a loaf pan, or forming it by hand on a flat baking pan...

 style, and not a pastry
Pastry is the name given to various kinds of baked products made from ingredients such as flour, sugar, milk, butter, shortening, baking powder and/or eggs. Small cakes, tarts and other sweet baked products are called "pastries."...


The term is used in a sketch by comedian
A comedian or comic is a person who seeks to entertain an audience, primarily by making them laugh. This might be through jokes or amusing situations, or acting a fool, as in slapstick, or employing prop comedy...

 George Carlin
George Carlin
George Denis Patrick Carlin was an American stand-up comedian, social critic, actor and author, who won five Grammy Awards for his comedy albums....

, in which he describes finding an unidentifiable item in the refrigerator
A refrigerator is a common household appliance that consists of a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump that transfers heat from the inside of the fridge to its external environment so that the inside of the fridge is cooled to a temperature below the ambient temperature of the room...

. "Could be meat, could be cake.... It looks like... meatcake!" However, meatcake itself has occurred as a delicacy for quite some time before George Carlin. Also, meatcake (like beefcake
Beefcake is a term denoting the use of nude or semi-nude male bodies. It can refer to a genre or a person. It often is used to denote male sexual attractiveness stemming from physical build but the definition has expanded to include anyone interested in physical fitness, bodybuilding and weight...

) has been used as a term to refer to strong men who pose as models in club venues, for heterosexual women or homosexual men.

Meatcake can also refer to an Asian dish similar to meatloaf. Ground meat (e.g. pork, fish, etc.) can be mixed with other ingredients (e.g. pickled greens), and steamed. Often served with rice or congee.

External links

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