McGraw (chicken)
The McGraw is a breed of chicken
The chicken is a domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the Red Junglefowl. As one of the most common and widespread domestic animals, and with a population of more than 24 billion in 2003, there are more chickens in the world than any other species of bird...

 that originated near Anderson, Alabama. The McGraw is a blue egg laying, cold hardy breed that excels in a free-range environment.


Dr. Albert McGraw created the breed using Silver Spangled Hamburg
Hamburg (chicken)
The Hamburg or Hamburgh in Britain, is a type of chicken developed in Germany and Holland prior to 1700. It is comparatively rare, with less than 1000 registered in North America each year.-Appearance and behavior:...

's, Silver Spitzhauben's
Appenzeller (chicken)
The Appenzeller is a breed of chicken originating in Appenzell region of Switzerland. The Appenzeller comes in two varieties. The Spitzhauben, meaning "pointed hood", has a V-comb and feather crests in males and females. The Barthuhner has a rose comb and no crest. Both types appear in either...

, and an Araucana
The Araucana, also known in the USA as a South American Rumpless, is a breed of chicken originating in Chile. The Araucana is often confused with other fowl, especially the Ameraucana and Easter Egger chickens, but has several unusual characteristics which distinguish it. They lay blue eggs, have...

rooster. Dr. McGraw bred them to be silver-spangled and game-like in type. McGraws has been previously known as Silver Spangled Araucanas.


Mature McGraws weigh around five pounds for the cocks and four pounds for the hens. They ether have a pea or cushion comb, and have willow legs.

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