Magic cross piercing
The magic cross is a combination of piercings, consisting of both an ampallang
The ampallang is a male genital piercing that penetrates horizontally through the entire glans of the penis. The piercing may be transurethral . A variant on this piercing is the shaft ampallang, which penetrates the shaft of the penis horizontally at any point along its length...

 and an apdravya
The apadravya, like the ampallang, is a piercing that passes through the glans. While the ampallang passes horizontally through the glans, the apadravya passes vertically through the glans from top to bottom, almost always placed centrally and passing through the urethra...

. These two piercings together form a cross through the glans
Glans penis
The glans penis is the sensitive bulbous structure at the distal end of the penis. The glans penis is anatomically homologous to the clitoral glans of the female...

 of the penis
The penis is a biological feature of male animals including both vertebrates and invertebrates...

. Although each piercing is usually done during separate sessions, some people have had them both done in the same sitting.

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