Madras on Rainy Days
Madras on Rainy Days is a novel written by Samina Ali
Samina Ali
Samina Ali is an Indian-American author. Her debut novel was Madras on Rainy Days.-Biography:Ali was born in Hyderabad, India, and emigrated with her parents to America when she was six months old. She spent half of each year in India, where she attended school. In 1993 she graduated summa cum...

 and published in 2004. It was the author's debut novel, winning the PEN/Hemingway Foundation Award
Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award
The Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award is awarded annually to a novel or book of short stories by an American author who has not previously published a book of fiction. The award is named after Ernest Hemingway and funded by the Ernest Hemingway Foundation, which has been administered by the Hemingway...

in 2005.

External links

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