Made in Zhopa
Made in zhopa is the fourth album by the Russian ska punk
Ska punk
Ska punk is a fusion music genre that combines ska and punk rock. It achieved its highest level of commercial success in the United States in the late 1990s. Ska-core is a subgenre of ska punk, blending ska with hardcore punk.The characteristics of ska punk vary, due to the fusion of contrasting...

 group Leningrad
Leningrad (band)
Leningrad , also known as Gruppirovka Leningrad and Bandformirovanie Leningrad , is a popular Russian ska punk band from Saint Petersburg , led by Sergey "Shnur" Shnurov....

. "Маде ин жопа" means 'Made in the Asshole'. If it were to be in Russian, the album should be "Сделано в жопе", but the album name refers to the international expression "Made in..."

Track listing

  1. "В клубе модном" - V klube modnom (In a Fashionable Club) – 2:47
  2. "Полные карманы (У меня есть всё)" - Polnye karmany (U menya est' vsyo) (Full Pockets (I've Got Everything)) – 4:08
  3. "Не со мной" - Ne so mnoy (Not With Me) – 2:45
  4. "Хип-Хоп" - Khip-Khop (Hip-Hop) – 2:04
  5. "Миллион алых роз" - Million alykh roz (A Million Red Roses) – 3:44
  6. "Парнишка" - Parnishka (A Fellow) – 2:48
  7. "Не слышны в саду" - Ne slyshny v sadu (Not Heard In the Garden) – 2:07
  8. "Девушка с понятием" - Devushka s ponyatiyem (Girl With Concepts) – 2:08
  9. "Злые пули" - Zlye puli (Evil Bullets) – 1:30
  10. "Свободная" - Svobodnaya (She is Free) – 3:03
  11. "Эх раз, ещё раз" - Ekh raz, eshchyo raz (One Time, One More Time) – 2:13
  12. "Стоп-машина" - Stop-mashina (Stop the car) – 2:17

External links

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