MSSA may refer to
  • Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, a kind of bacteria
  • MSSA Chemical company, a French chemical company, also known as Métaux Spéciaux
  • Military-style semi-automatic
    Military-Style Semi-Automatic
    Military-style semi-automatic is a term in New Zealand firearms law. The category was introduced after the 1990 Aramoana massacre, in which firearms fitting this definition were used....

    , a firearm (abbreviation commonly used in New Zealand)
  • Member of the Order of the Star of South Africa
    Order of the Star of South Africa
    The Order of the Star of South Africa was a South African honour. It was instituted on 1 July 1975, and was granted by the state president of South Africa, for services connected with national defence and security. It replaced the Star of South Africa decoration, instituted in 1952. The order...

  • The Montessori School of San Antonio, a montessori school in San Antonio, Texas
    San Antonio, Texas
    San Antonio is the seventh-largest city in the United States of America and the second-largest city within the state of Texas, with a population of 1.33 million. Located in the American Southwest and the south–central part of Texas, the city serves as the seat of Bexar County. In 2011,...

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