MILEPOST GCC is free community-driven open-source adaptive self-tuning compiler that combines
stable production-quality GCC
GNU Compiler Collection
The GNU Compiler Collection is a compiler system produced by the GNU Project supporting various programming languages. GCC is a key component of the GNU toolchain...

, Interactive Compilation Interface
Interactive Compilation Interface
The Interactive Compilation Interface is a plugin system with a high-level compiler-independent and low-level compiler-dependent API to transform current black-box compilers into collaborative modular interactive toolsets. The ICI framework acts as a "middleware" interface between the compiler and...

 and machine learning plugins to
adapt to any given architecture and program automatically and predict profitable optimizations to improve program execution time, code size and compilation time. . It is currently used and supported by academia and industry and is intended to open up research opportunities to automate compiler and architecture design and optimization.

MILEPOST GCC is currently a part of the community-driven Collective Tuning Initiative (cTuning)
Collective Tuning Initiative
Collective Tuning Initiative is a community-driven initiative, which aims to develop free collaborative open-source research tools with unified API for code and architecture characterization and optimization, and enable sharing of benchmarks, data sets and optimization cases from the community in...

 to enable self-tuning computing systems based on collaborative open-source R&D infrastructure with unified interfaces and improve the quality and reproducibility of the research on code and architecture optimization. MILEPOST GCC is connected to Collective Optimization Database
Collective Optimization Database
Collective Optimization Database is an open repository to enable sharing of benchmarks, data sets and optimization cases from the community, provide web services and plugins to analyze optimization data and predict program transformations or better hardware designs for multi-objective optimizations...

to collect and reuse profitable optimization cases from the community and predict good optimizations based on statistical analysis of optimization data.


Current developments:
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