A lorum is a male genital piercing
Genital piercing
Genital piercing is a form of body piercing and is considered a form of body modification. It involves piercing a part of the genitalia and subsequently inserting and keeping a foreign object in the opening until the wound heals. This forms a tunnel of skin around the foreign object, thus creating...

, placed horizontally on the underside of the penis at its base, where the penis meets the scrotum. The word "lorum" is a portmanteau of the words "low" and "frenum
A frenulum is a small fold of tissue that secures or restricts the motion of a mobile organ in the body.-In human anatomy:...

", so named because it is essentially a very low-placed frenum piercing
Frenum piercing
A frenulum piercing is a type of body piercing located on the underside of the shaft of the penis. A series of parallel frenulum piercings is known as a frenum ladder. A frenum ladder may be extended to include lorum piercings, hafada piercings and guiche piercings.-Placement:Frenum piercings are...

Much like the frenum piercing the lorum can have multiple rungs added and be a ladder as well.

No known information exists on infection risk of this piercing.

Jewelry typically used in this piercing includes the straight barbell and the captive bead ring.
However there have been cases where other jewelry such as studs and horseshoe barbells have been used.
Noting: that the studs usually imply a rather shallow placement or stretching of the area has made it become shallow.
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