Locations in the Bionicle Saga

The Matoran Universe

The entire universe inside Mata Nui where members of the Matoran race, Skakdi, Vortixx and other kinds exist (for more information on the different species go to List of characters in Bionicle). It was taken over by Makuta Teridax, the main villain of the saga. After Teridax was killed, all the inhabitants were evacuated on to the restored Spherus Magna.

Mata Nui

An island named in honor of the Great Spirit. It is part of a camouflage system used by Mata Nui (the Great Spirit). It was destroyed upon his awakening.
  • Ta-Wahi is the vulcanic region of fire and the former location of the village Ta-Koro. It is the place where Tahu, Vakama and the Ta-Matoran live in. It's located in the eastern part of Mata Nui.
  • Le-Wahi is the forested region of Air and the former location of the village Le-Koro. It is the place where Lewa, Matau and the Le-Matoran live in. It's located in the southern part of Mata Nui.
  • Ko-Wahi is the frozen region of Ice and the former location of the village Ko-Koro. It is the place where Kopaka, Nuju and the Ko-Matoran live in. It's located in the western part of Mata Nui.
  • Ga-Wahi is the oceanic region of Water and the former location of the village Ga-Koro. It is the place where Gali, Nokama and the Ga-Matoran live in. It's located in the northeastern part of Mata Nui.
  • Po-Wahi is the arid region of Stone and the former location of the village Po-Koro. It is the place where Pohatu, Onewa and the Po-Matoran live in. It's located in the northern part of Mata Nui.
  • Onu-Wahi is the dark and cavernous region of Earth and the former location of the village Onu-Koro. It is the place where Onua, Whenua and Onu-the Matoran live in. It's located in the northwestern part of Mata Nui.
  • Kini-Nui is a special place on Mata Nui. It's also called the "Great Temple", and it's located in the centre of Mata Nui.

Metru Nui

A major city that acts as Mata Nui's brain, where great Kanohi masks are made and protodermis is purified and shipped to the two great Continents and other islands. Work here is crucial to the survival of Mata Nui (once a civil war broke out and work stopped for months, bringing Mata Nui dangerously close to death). It was here that Makuta Teridax made his first bid to take power, putting Mata Nui into an unnatural sleep. It was invaded by the Visorak for a time, and recolonized one thousand years later by Matoran. It was later heavily damaged, along with the rest of the Matoran universe by Mata Nui, when he won his final battle against Teridax, after pushing his head towards the impace of the Bota Magna jungle moon, which smashed into Teridax's head, thus killing him.
Principal Features

The Coliseum
The highest point of the city and the place where the Turaga rule Metru Nui. It houses the city's power plant and enough seats for the entire population.

The Ta-Metru Great Furnace
The place where molten protodermis was filtered and made into masks. It was also the nerve center of the Morbuzakh plant and its attacks on the city. It was pulled down by the "king root" when the Toa Metru killed it with the great disks. Upon the Matoran's return, repairs began on the Great Furnace.

The Great Temple
The spiritual centre of the city located in Ga-Metru. At the centre of the temple is the Toa Suva, that holds Kanohi Masks and Toa Stones. It was badly damaged by Vakama when he was under the sway of Roodaka, but has since been repaired by the Matoran.


A hellish realm ruled by the being of the same name where Matoran who were damaged or poor workers were sent. It was revealed in Bionicle Legends #02: Dark Destiny that Karzahni was meant to repair the Matoran, but did such a bad job that, feeling ashamed, sent the "repaired" Matoran to the island of Voya Nui. When he left to follow the Toa Inika and rule the universe, Makuta Icarax came here in possession of the Staff of Artakha. In resonse, Gali Nuva (whose team was following him and fought him) unleashed a Water Nova Blast that completely destroyed the island. The Matoran there, however, were evacuated by Onua and Lewa. Later, a ragtag team led by Tahu camped here when they met up with Onua after helping in defeating the Makuta-Controlled Exo-Toa.

Voya Nui

A piece of the Southern Continent that broke away during the Great Cataclysm and resting place of the Kanohi Ignika, Mask of Life. Its inhabitants were sent there from Karzahni's Island, horribly "deformed and mutilated". The Matoran had to survive without a Turaga for a thousand years. The island has now returned to its place in the universe.
Principal Features

The Green Belt
An unexplained band of vegetation that extends round Voya Nui. The Piraka searched it for the Mask. It concealed the entrance to the 777 Stairs, which led to the Chamber of Life.

Mount Valmai
A very active volcano in the center of the island, serving as the roof of the Chamber of Life. The Piraka, in their time of ruling over the island, tried to drain the volcano in search of the Ignika. It still exists, though it has now rejoined the Southern Continent.

The Chamber of Life
A secret chamber under Mount Valmai, guarded by Umbra, Protodax and many other creations. Until recently, it held the Ignika, but now it stands.

Mahri Nui

A sunken Matoran village. It was once part of Voya Nui, but broke off and sank down into the sea. By some miracle, air pockets were trapped inside the buildings, meaning most of the Matoran survived, though the trauma of the experience wiped their memories of Voya Nui. They harvested the surrounding Air Fields to replenish their air and tamed creatures called Hydruka, who helped them with their harvesting and defense. It was destroyed by Voya Nui on its descent and its Matoran were reunited with their counterparts and as of Bionicle Legends #08: Downfall, are living together with them on Voya Nui.
Principle Features

The Pit
Neighboring the village of Mahri Nui is the ancient prison created by the Order of Mata Nui, for some of the worst criminals in the Matoran Universe. At different times it has held the Barraki, Brutaka, Nocturn, Roodaka, Karzahni, and Toa Tuyet (though this one was later revealed to be an alternate dimension Tuyet; the main dimension's was sent to another dimension until she found her way back). During the Great Cataclysm, a portion of the roof collapsed, mutating the prisoners into part sea creature and killing the original Hydraxon. It still functions as a prison, now that its roof and cells have been repaired.

The Cord
A stone cord anchoring and connecting Voya Nui with Mahri Nui. It was here that the Toa Inika battled a swarm of Zyglak as well as Makuta Teridax (in the body of Matoro, who had used his Mask of Astral Projection to scout ahead, leaving his body vacant). It was destroyed by the Toa Mahri, forcing Voya Nui to drop back into the gap in the Southern Continent.

Karda Nui

A massive cavern below the Southern Continent, what might be called the heart of the Great Spirit. It is so vast that it has been dubbed "the world that feeds into this world". It was regularly swept over by energy storms powerful enough to destroy virtually anything caught in them. These storms stopped when Mata Nui fell into his sleep, but have now restarted. There was a great swamp on the cavern floor, now destroyed along with anything else. As of the 2009 storyline, Karda Nui is uninhabitable once more due to Mata Nui's awakening.
Principal Features

The Codrex
A large metal sphere set in the floor of Karda Nui, which formerly contained the Toa Mata in their toa canisters, and now the vehicles they used in the final battle with the Makuta there. It also housed machinery that, with enough energy gathered, could awaken Mata Nui.

The Swamp
When Mata Nui was put into his sleep and Voya Nui separated from its continent, water started to leak in through the hole. Plant life grew there, turning the floor into a vast swamp. The plants and some of the wildlife there were changed dramatically by the mutagenic properties of the water.

Spherus Magna/Bara Magna

Spherus Magna was once a great and thriving planet and home of the Great Beings. It had seven tribes of Agori. There were warrior beings, and above them Elemental Lords, beings capable of controlling the elements that the different tribes represented (namely Fire, Water, Jungle, Ice, Sand and Rock). Then a substance later dubbed Energized Protodermis was found in the Ice region and the dispute over extraction rights led to a war with the Element Lords as generals and the warriors as soldiers. The Fire Tribe won and started to extract the substance. This unfortunately destabilized the planet and caused it to fragment. The Great Beings vanished leaving the Agori and Warriors to either die or, if they could, survive(actually,they created a massive robot, which was Mata Nui's body, to go top other worlds, research and observe them, and use that knowledge to reform Spherus Magna). After the planet broke into three new worlds; a desert world(Bara Magna), a jungle moon(Bota Magna), and an ocean moon(Aqua Magna), the Agori and warriors renamed the planet Bara Manga and began to scavenge what they can could from the desert to build shelters and vehicles and ended up working out a system to prevent another war: when a resource is claimed by two tribes, they send a warrior, now called "Glatorian", to fight for possession of it. Winner takes all. It was here that the Mask of Life landed and constructed a body for Mata Nui to use. After the Battle of Bara Magna, and when Makuta Teridax was killed, Mata Nui used his power to reform Spherus Magna, and transforming the desert of Bara Magna into a massive,garden-like region, where the Agori,Glatorian, and other members of the Matoran Universe and Spherus Magna could live in peace.

Principal Features

Arena Magna

A massive, and also, the largest arena, one of the few remnants of the old civilization from the old days of Spherus Magna. It was here that the annual contest to find the best Glatorian was held, where it used to major hold sporting events, and contests. It is positioned outside Vulcanus, on an island in the middle of the great waterfall of Skrall River, but a massive Skrall invasion force destroyed it and anyone unfortunate enough to have stayed inside. The toa are now working on constructing a new, more city-like New Atero, just north of the Black Spike Mountains, in a forest.
Great Desert

The area formerly ruled by the Elemental Lord of Sand. It was a huge desert located in the central region of Spherus Magna. It is home to the Sand tribe, who were changed by experiments by the Great Beings, and by deevoultion, which made them into a bestial state. A large group of the Agori and Glatorian were here when the Shattering of Spherus Magna occurred. It was reformed into Spherus Magna by Mata Nui, and was also transformed into a beautiful, garden-like state.
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