LiteSQL is an open-source C++
C++ is a statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm, compiled, general-purpose programming language. It is regarded as an intermediate-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features. It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell...

 Object Relational Mapping persistence library for UNIX
Unix is a multitasking, multi-user computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna...

es, Mac OSX and Windows with support for SQLite3, PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL, often simply Postgres, is an object-relational database management system available for many platforms including Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, MS Windows and Mac OS X. It is released under the PostgreSQL License, which is an MIT-style license, and is thus free and open source software...

 and MySQL
MySQL officially, but also commonly "My Sequel") is a relational database management system that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. It is named after developer Michael Widenius' daughter, My...

 as backends.

LiteSQL creates tables, indexes and sequences to database and upgrades schema when needed. In addition to object persistence, LiteSQL provides object relations which can be used to model basic OO building blocks (aggregation, composition, association). Objects can be selected, filtered and ordered using template- and class-based API with type checking at compile time.

The Data-Mapping is described in an xml-File.
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