Listen to Your Left Brain
Listen To Your Left Brain is the second studio album
Studio album
A studio album is an album made up of tracks recorded in the controlled environment of a recording studio. A studio album contains newly written and recorded or previously unreleased or remixed material, distinguishing itself from a compilation or reissue album of previously recorded material, or...

 by the dance-punk
Dance-punk is a music genre that emerged in the late 1970s, and is closely associated with the post-punk and No Wave movements.-Predecessors:...

/experimental rock
Experimental rock
Experimental rock or avant-garde rock is a type of music based on rock which experiments with the basic elements of the genre, or which pushes the boundaries of common composition and performance technique....

The Chinese Stars.


  1. "Drugs and Sunshine"
  2. "Cold Cold Cold"
  3. "Left Brain"
  4. "All My Friends Are Getting High"
  5. "Bored With This Planet"
  6. "Shake Off the Nurse"
  7. "Teeth Marks"
  8. "TV Grows Arms"
  9. "The Drowning"
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