List of wind turbines in Saarland
A list of wind turbines in Saarland. The list contains all wind turbine
Wind turbine
A wind turbine is a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy. If the mechanical energy is used to produce electricity, the device may be called a wind generator or wind charger. If the mechanical energy is used to drive machinery, such as for grinding grain or...

s in Saarland
Saarland is one of the sixteen states of Germany. The capital is Saarbrücken. It has an area of 2570 km² and 1,045,000 inhabitants. In both area and population, it is the smallest state in Germany other than the city-states...

with a total height (height of axis + rotor radius) of more than 100 metres.


Place Coordinates Count Type Power Construction Year Axis Height Rotor diametre Total height
Eitzweiler 49°33′57"N 7°12′10"E 128.5
Eitzweiler/Freisen 49°33′48"N 7°12′24"E 120
Freisen 49°33′08"N 7°16′21"E 139.3
Freisen, Freisener Höhe 49°34′05"N 7°15′36"E 112
Freisen/Haupersweiler 49°30′19"N 7°14′54"E 146
Losheim am See/Wahlen 49°29′24"N 6°44′36"E 150
Losheim/Wahlen 49°28′13"N 6°46′10"E 123.5
Losheim/Wahlen 49°28′30"N 6°46′05"E 123.5
Marpingen/Berschweiler 49°26′41"N 7°00′48"E 123.5
Merzig/Merchingen 49°26′03"N 6°42′37"E 150
Mettlach/Faha 49°31′29"N 6°27′00"E 138.5
Mosberg-Richweiler 49°32′35"N 7°09′28"E 138.5
Namborn/Hirstein 49°32′40"N 7°09′57"E 179.38
Ottweiler/Fürth 49°26′18"N 7°12′50"E Enercon E-82 2000 108 82 149.38
Primstal 49°30′51"N 6°57′38"E 149
Schwarzerden 49°31′31"N 7°18′09"E 145
St. Wendel/Hoof, Niederkirchen, Marth 49°28′37"N 7°14′09"E 134.6
Wehingen-Tünsdorf 49°27′25"N 6°29′40"E 121


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