List of songs featured on Lost
The orchestral score of Lost
Lost (TV series)
Lost is an American television series that originally aired on ABC from September 22, 2004 to May 23, 2010, consisting of six seasons. Lost is a drama series that follows the survivors of the crash of a commercial passenger jet flying between Sydney and Los Angeles, on a mysterious tropical island...

 is composed, orchestrated, and produced by Michael Giacchino
Michael Giacchino
Michael Giacchino is an American composer who has composed scores for movies, television series and video games. Some of his most notable works include the scores to television series such as Lost, Alias and Fringe, games such as the Medal of Honor and Call of Duty series, and films such as...

 and has been released on a series of soundtrack
A soundtrack can be recorded music accompanying and synchronized to the images of a motion picture, book, television program or video game; a commercially released soundtrack album of music as featured in the soundtrack of a film or TV show; or the physical area of a film that contains the...

 albums by Varèse Sarabande
Varèse Sarabande
Varèse Sarabande is an American record label, distributed by Universal Music Group, which specializes in film scores and original cast recordings. It aims to reissue rare or unavailable albums as well as newer releases by artists no longer under a contract...


Season 1

On May 6, 2008, Varèse Sarabande released another soundtrack album featuring music composed by Giacchino from the show's third season. The soundtrack contains two discs: the first featuring selected music from the season, the second featuring the entire original score from the acclaimed season finale episodes, "Greatest Hits
Greatest Hits (Lost)
"Greatest Hits" is the 21st episode of the third season of Lost and 70th episode of the series. It was written by co-executive producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and directed by supervising producer Stephen Williams. The episode first aired on May 16, 2007 on ABC in the United States and...

" and "Through the Looking Glass
Through the Looking Glass (Lost)
"Through the Looking Glass" is the third season finale of the ABC television series Lost, consisting of the 22nd and 23rd episodes of the third season. It is also the 71st and 72nd episodes overall. It was written by co-creator/executive producer Damon Lindelof and executive producer Carlton Cuse,...

". At 2 hours and 33 minutes, this is the longest soundtrack released from the show.

Disc one

# Track Time Episode
1 "In with a KABOOM!" 1:56 "A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities (Lost)
"A Tale of Two Cities" is the third season premiere, and 50th episode overall, of the American Broadcasting Company's serial drama television series Lost. The episode was written by co-creators/executive producers J. J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof, based on a story by Lindelof and directed by...

2 "Main Title" (Composed by J.J. Abrams) 0:16 N/A
3 "Awed and Shocked" 1:34 "A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities (Lost)
"A Tale of Two Cities" is the third season premiere, and 50th episode overall, of the American Broadcasting Company's serial drama television series Lost. The episode was written by co-creators/executive producers J. J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof, based on a story by Lindelof and directed by...

4 "Fool Me Twice" 3:18 "The Glass Ballerina
The Glass Ballerina
"The Glass Ballerina" is the second episode of the third season of the TV series Lost, and the 51st episode overall. The episode was written by Jeff Pinkner and Drew Goddard and directed by Paul Edwards, and premiered on October 11, 2006 on ABC...

5 "Pagoda of Shame" 2:02
6 "The Island" 2:57 "Further Instructions
Further Instructions
"Further Instructions" is the third episode of the third season of Lost. It aired on October 18, 2006, making it the 52nd episode of the series. The episode was written by Carlton Cuse and Elizabeth Sarnoff and directed by Stephen Williams...

7 "Eko of the Past" 2:45 "The Cost of Living
The Cost of Living (Lost)
"The Cost of Living" is the 5th episode of the third season of Lost, and the 54th episode overall. It aired on November 1, 2006 in the US and on December 17, 2006 in the UK. The episode was written by Monica Breen and Alison Schapker and directed by Jack Bender. The character of Mr...

8 "Church of Eko’s" 0:58
9 "Leggo My Eko" 3:12
10 "Romancing the Cage" 1:48 "I Do
I Do (Lost)
"I Do" is the sixth episode of the third season of Lost, and the 55th episode overall. It aired on November 8, 2006 on ABC. The episode was written by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse and directed by Tucker Gates...

11 "Under the Knife" 4:18
12 "Teaser Time" 2:52 "Not in Portland
Not in Portland
"Not in Portland" is the 7th episode of the third season of Lost and the 56th episode overall. It first aired on February 7, 2007 on ABC. The episode was written by Carlton Cuse and Jeff Pinkner and was directed by Stephen Williams...

13 "Here Today, Gone to Maui" 4:53
14 "Distraught Desmond" 3:36 "Flashes Before Your Eyes
Flashes Before Your Eyes
"Flashes Before Your Eyes" is the 8th episode of the third season of the American drama television series Lost, and the show's 57th episode overall. The episode was written by the series co-creator, show runner and executive producer Damon Lindelof and supervising producer Drew Goddard, and...

15 "Achara, Glad to See Me?" 2:25 "Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land (Lost)
"Stranger in a Strange Land" is the ninth episode of the third season of the American drama television series Lost, and the show's 58th episode overall. The episode was written by Elizabeth Sarnoff and Christina M. Kim, and directed by Paris Barclay...

16 "Ocean’s Apart" 3:02
17 "The Lone Hugo" 3:34 "Tricia Tanaka is Dead
Tricia Tanaka Is Dead
"Tricia Tanaka Is Dead" is an episode of ABC's Lost, the tenth of the show's third season and 59th episode overall. The episode was written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and directed by Eric Laneuville...

18 "Fetch Your Arm" 2:24
19 "Ain’t Talkin’ ’Bout Nothin’" 2:05
20 "Shambala" 2:04
21 "Claire-a Culpa" 5:21 "Par Avion
Par Avion
"Par Avion" is the 12th episode of the 3rd season of Lost and the 61st episode overall, making it the exact midpoint of the series. It was aired on March 14, 2007 on ABC. The episode was written by Christina M. Kim and Jordan Rosenberg and directed by Paul Edwards...

22 "A Touching Moment" 2:34 "The Man from Tallahassee
The Man from Tallahassee
"The Man from Tallahassee" is the 13th episode of the 3rd season of Lost, and the 62nd episode overall. It was aired on March 21, 2007 on ABC. The episode was written by Drew Goddard and Jeff Pinkner and directed by Jack Bender...

23 "Sweet Exposé" 4:36 "Exposé
Exposé (Lost)
"Exposé" is the 14th episode of the 3rd season and 63rd episode overall of the American Broadcasting Company 's serial drama television series Lost. It was aired as on ABC in the United States and on CTV in Canada on March 28, 2007...

24 "Storming Monster" 1:31 "Left Behind
Left Behind (Lost)
"Left Behind" is the 15th episode of the 3rd season of Lost. It was aired on April 4, 2007, making it the 64th episode of the series. The episode was written by Damon Lindelof and Elizabeth Sarnoff and directed by Karen Gaviola who won the NAACP Image Award for Best Director in a Drama Series...

25 "Heart of Thawyer" 1:51
26 "Juliet Is Lost" 1:28 "One of Us
One of Us (Lost)
"One of Us" is the 16th episode of the third season of Lost. It aired on April 11, 2007, making it the 65th episode of the series. The episode was written by Carlton Cuse and Drew Goddard and directed by Jack Bender...

27 "Beach Blanket Bonding" 1:54
28 "Rushin’ the Russian" 1:06 "D.O.C.
D.O.C. (Lost)
"D.O.C." is the 18th episode of the 3rd season of Lost and the 67th episode overall. It was aired on April 25, 2007. The episode was written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and directed by Fred Toye. The character of Sun-Hwa Kwon was featured in the episode's flashbacks.-Flashbacks:In...

29 "Deadly Fertility" 2:05
30 "Dharmacide" 3:56 "The Man Behind the Curtain"

Disc two

# Track Time Episode
1 "Paddle Jumper" 1:16 "Greatest Hits
Greatest Hits (Lost)
"Greatest Hits" is the 21st episode of the third season of Lost and 70th episode of the series. It was written by co-executive producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and directed by supervising producer Stephen Williams. The episode first aired on May 16, 2007 on ABC in the United States and...

2 "She’s Dynamite" 1:16
3 "The Good, the Bad and the Ominous" 1:07
4 "Charlie’s Fate" 2:58
5 "Paddle Jumper Reprise" 2:12
6 "Ta-Ta Charlie" 1:28
7 "Heirloom Holiday" 1:21
8 "Greatest Hits" 6:03
9 "Flying High" 6:30 "Through the Looking Glass
Through the Looking Glass (Lost)
"Through the Looking Glass" is the third season finale of the ABC television series Lost, consisting of the 22nd and 23rd episodes of the third season. It is also the 71st and 72nd episodes overall. It was written by co-creator/executive producer Damon Lindelof and executive producer Carlton Cuse,...

10 "The Good Shepherd" 0:58
11 "Manifesting Destiny" 0:40
12 "The Looking Glass Ceiling" 3:30
13 "Ex Marks the Jack" 2:10
14 "Jintimidating Bernard" 2:42
15 "Benomination of the Temple" 0:39
16 "An Other Dark Agenda" 0:36
17 "Kate Makes a Splash" 0:32
18 "Diving Desmond" 0:47
19 "Weapon of Mass Distraction" 0:50
20 "The Fallen Hero" 0:26
21 "Sticking to Their Guns" 0:58
22 "Torture Me Not" 2:44
23 "Through the Locke-ing Glass" 2:13
24 "The Only Pebble in the Jungle" 1:31
25 "Early Mourning Mystery" 1:54
26 "Patchy at Best" 2:04
27 "All Jack’ed Up" 0:12
28 "Hold the Phone" 3:49
29 "Code of Conduct" 1:42
30 "Act Now, Regret Later" 5:11
31 "Just What the Doctor Ordered" 1:24
32 "Hurley’s Helping Hand" 1:06
33 "Looking Glass Half Full" 4:16
34 "Jack FM" 0:30
35 "Naomi Phone Home" 4:01
36 "Flash Forward Flashback" 4:16
37 "End Title" 0:32 N/A

Season 4

Varèse Sarabande released the soundtrack to Season 4 on May 12, 2009. The CD contains over 75 minutes of music.
# Track Time Episode
1 "Giving up the Ghost" 2:40 "The Beginning of the End
The Beginning of the End (Lost)
"The Beginning of the End" is the fourth season premiere, and 73rd episode overall, of the American Broadcasting Company's television drama series Lost. It was aired on ABC in the United States and CTV in Canada on January 31, 2008...

2 "Locke'ing Horns" 1:52
3 "Lost Away - Or Is It?" 1:41 "The Economist
The Economist (Lost)
"The Economist" is the third episode of the American Broadcasting Company's fourth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 75th episode overall. It was aired on February 14, 2008 on ABC in the United States and on CTV in Canada. The episode was written by co-executive producers...

4 "Backgammon Gambit" 1:19 "Eggtown
"Eggtown" is the fourth episode of the American Broadcasting Company's fourth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 76th episode overall. It was aired on February 21, 2008 on ABC in the United States and on CTV in Canada...

5 "Time and Time Again" 2:42 "The Constant
The Constant
"The Constant" is the fifth episode of the fourth season of the American Broadcasting Company's serial drama television series Lost, and the 77th episode overall. It was aired on February 28, 2008, on ABC in the United States and on CTV in Canada...

6 "The Constant" 3:52
7 "Maternity Hell" 2:31 "Ji Yeon
Ji Yeon
"Ji Yeon" is the seventh episode of the American Broadcasting Company's fourth season of Lost and 79th episode overall. The episode was written by co-executive producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, and directed by regular Lost editor Stephen Semel. It was first aired in the United States and...

8 "Karma Jin-itiative" 1:24
9 "Ji Yeon" 3:09
10 "Michael's Right to Remain Wrong" 1:54 "Meet Kevin Johnson
Meet Kevin Johnson
"Meet Kevin Johnson" is the 80th television episode of the American Broadcasting Company's Lost and the eighth episode of the fourth season. It was written in October and November 2007 by supervising producer Elizabeth Sarnoff and co-producer Brian K. Vaughan, and directed in November by...

11 "Bodies and Bungalows" 1:23 "The Shape of Things to Come
The Shape of Things to Come (Lost)
"The Shape of Things to Come" is the 81st episode of the American Broadcasting Company's Lost and is the ninth episode of the fourth season. It aired on April 24, 2008 on ABC in the United States and on CTV in Canada. The episode was written by co-executive producer Drew Goddard and...

12 "Benundrum" 3:24
13 "Hostile Negotiations" 2:21
14 "Locke-about" 6:05 "Cabin Fever
Cabin Fever (Lost)
"Cabin Fever" is the 11th episode of the American Broadcasting Company's fourth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 83rd episode overall. It was aired on May 8, 2008 on ABC in the United States and on CTV in Canada. The episode was written by supervising producer Elizabeth...

15 "There's No Place Like Home" 2:35 "There's No Place Like Home
There's No Place Like Home
"There's No Place Like Home, Parts 1, 2 & 3" is the season finale of the American Broadcasting Company's fourth season of the serial drama television series Lost, consisting of the 12th through 14th episodes. They are also the 84th through 86th episodes of the show overall...

16 "Nadia on Your Life" 1:42
17 "C4-titude" 2:00
18 "Of Mice and Ben" 2:19
19 "Keamy Away from Him" 4:58
20 "Timecrunch" 2:06
21 "Can't Kill Keamy" 1:48
22 "Bobbing for Freighters" 5:20
23 "Locke of the Island" 7:07
24 "Lying for the Island" 4:53
25 "Landing Party" 3:23
26 "Hoffs-Drawlar" 3:50

Season 5

The soundtrack for Season 5 was released on May 11, 2010, just over a week before the final episode of the series.
# Track Time Episode
1 "Making Up for Lost Time" 3:23 "Because You Left
Because You Left
"Because You Left" is the television season premiere of the American Broadcasting Company's fifth season of the serial drama television series Lost. The episode is the 87th episode of the show overall, and was written by executive producers/show runners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse and directed...

2 "The Swinging Bendulum" 5:44 "The Lie
The Lie (Lost)
"The Lie" is the second episode of the fifth season of ABC's science fiction drama television series Lost. The 88th episode of the show overall, "The Lie" aired on January 21, 2009 on ABC in the United States, being simulcast on A in Canada. It aired immediately after the previous episode, "Because...

3 "Locke's Excellent Adventure" 4:01 "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
"The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" is the seventh television episode of the fifth season of ABC's Lost. The 93rd episode of the show overall, "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" aired on February 25, 2009 on ABC in the United States, being simulcast on A in Canada...

4 "The Science of Faith" 2:19 "316
316 (Lost)
"316" is the sixth television episode of the fifth season of ABC's Lost. The 92nd episode of the show overall, "316" aired on February 18, 2009 on ABC in the United States, and was simulcast on A in Canada...

5 "More Locke Than Locke" 3:15
6 "Together or Not Together" 4:03
7 "Through the Window" 2:08
8 "Dharma Delinquent" 1:52 "LaFleur
LaFleur (Lost)
"LaFleur" is the eighth television episode of the fifth season of ABC's Lost. The 94th episode of the show overall, "LaFleur" aired on March 4, 2009 on ABC in the United States, being simulcast on A in Canada...

9 "La Fleur" 2:37
10 "Crash and Yearn" 2:30 "Namaste
Namaste is a common spoken valediction or salutation originating from the Indian subcontinent. It is a customary greeting when individuals meet, and a valediction upon their parting. A non-contact form of salutation is traditionally preferred in India and Namaste is the most common form of such a...

11 "Your Kharma Hit My Dharma" 2:06 "Whatever Happened, Happened
Whatever Happened, Happened
"Whatever Happened, Happened" is the 11th television episode of the fifth season of ABC's Lost. The 97th episode of the show overall, "Whatever Happened, Happened" aired April 1, 2009, on ABC in the United States...

12 "Alex In Chains" 1:37 "Dead Is Dead
Dead Is Dead
"Dead Is Dead" is the 12th television episode of the fifth season of ABC's Lost. The 98th episode of the show overall, "Dead Is Dead" aired on April 8, 2009 on ABC in the United States and aired on April 12, 2009 on Sky1 in the United Kingdom. The episode was written by editor Brian K...

13 "I Hear Dead People" 1:54 "Some Like It Hoth
Some Like It Hoth
"Some Like It Hoth" is the 13th television episode of the fifth season of ABC's Lost. The 99th episode of the show overall, "Some Like It Hoth" aired on April 15, 2009 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by co-producer Melinda Hsu Taylor and "Eggtown" writer Greggory Nations and...

14 "For Love of the Dame" 3:18 "The Variable
The Variable
"The Variable" is the 14th television episode of the fifth season of Lost, and the 100th episode overall. It originally aired on the American Broadcasting Company in the United States on April 29, 2009. The hundredth episode milestone was celebrated by cast and crew on location in Hawaii...

15 "Follow the Leader" 7:51 "Follow the Leader
Follow the Leader (Lost)
"Follow the Leader" is the 15th television episode of the fifth season of ABC's Lost. The 101st episode of the show overall, "Follow the Leader" aired on May 6, 2009 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by supervising producer Paul Zbyszewski and co-executive producer Elizabeth...

16 "Sawyer Jones and the Temple of Boom" 5:16
17 "The Tangled Web" 1:42 "The Incident
The Incident (Lost)
"The Incident" is the season finale of the fifth season of ABC's Lost, consisting of its 16th and 17th episodes. Both parts of "The Incident", the show's 102nd and 103rd episodes overall, aired on May 13, 2009 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by executive producers/showrunners...

18 "Dharma Disaster" 5:18
19 "Blessings and Bombs" 1:32
20 "Jack's Swan Song" 1:16
21 "Dharma vs. Lostaways" 4:24
22 "The Incident" 3:09
23 "Jacob's Stabber" 7:32

Season 6

The soundtrack for the final season was released on September 14, 2010. It is a two-disc album like the Season 3 soundtrack and features two and a half hours of music. Giacchino had written a number of new themes for season 6 including those for the Man in Black, the Temple, Richard, the Source and the flash-sideways characters. None of the music from the last four episodes of the series is included in this release except for the two bonus tracks from the finale.

Disc one

# Track Time Episode
1 A Sunken Feeling 1:34 "LA X
"LA X" comprises the 104th and 105th episodes of the American Broadcasting Company's Lost, marking the premiere of the sixth and final season. It was written by show runners/executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse and directed by executive producer Jack Bender...

2 Heavy Metal Crew 1:01
3 Doing Jacob's Work 1:58
4 Smokey and the Bandits 4:55
5 LAX 4:08
6 Temple and Spring 1:53
7 Locke at it This Way 1:37
8 Richard the Floored 1:55
9 Coffin Calamity 3:46
10 Lie Thou There 2:30
11 Trouble is My First Name 1:51
12 Death Springs Eternal 6:23
13 The Rockets' Red Glare 3:34
14 Temple and Taxi 3:37 "What Kate Does
What Kate Does
"What Kate Does" is the 106th television episode of the American Broadcasting Company's Lost and third episode of the sixth season. It was written by executive producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and directed in September 2009 by Paul Edwards. "What Kate Does" was first aired February 9, 2010...

15 My Orca 0:40
16 Helen of Joy 2:00 "The Substitute
The Substitute (Lost)
"The Substitute" is the fourth television episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 107th episode overall. The episode aired on February 16, 2010 on ABC. It was directed by Tucker Gates and written by executive producer Elizabeth...

17 Jacob's Ladders 3:26
18 The Substitute 4:45
19 Peculiar Parenting 2:54 "Lighthouse
Lighthouse (Lost)
"Lighthouse" is the fifth television episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 108th episode overall. The episode aired on February 23, 2010 on ABC in the United States and 2 hours earlier on A in Canada due to the 2010 Winter Olympics...

20 Door Jammer 0:42
21 The Lighthouse 3:33
22 Sundown 7:37 "Sundown
Sundown (Lost)
"Sundown" is the sixth television episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 109th episode overall. The episode aired on March 2, 2010 on ABC in the United States...

23 Catch a Falling Star 1:46
24 Linus and Alpertinent 2:27 "Dr. Linus
Dr. Linus
"Dr. Linus" is the seventh episode of the sixth season of ABC's drama television series Lost. It is the 110th episode overall. The episode was written by executive producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and directed by actor Mario Van Peebles...

25 Karma Has No Price 4:11

Disc two

# Track Time Episode
1 Recon 3:23 "Recon
Recon (Lost)
"Recon" is the eighth television episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 111th episode overall. The episode is written by executive producer Elizabeth Sarnoff and newcomer Jim Galasso and directed by Jack Bender...

2 Crazy Town 2:01
3 None the Richard 1:20 "Ab Aeterno
Ab Aeterno
"Ab Aeterno" is the ninth television episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 112th episode overall. The episode aired on March 23, 2010. The episode was written by producer Melinda Hsu Taylor and co-producer Greggory Nations and...

4 Love in a Time of Pneumonia 1:35
5 The Fall of Man 2:58
6 Dead Man Talking 1:18
7 Jacob's Advocate 5:50
8 Standing Offer 1:20
9 And Death Shall Have No Dominion 3:54
10 Sayid After Dentist 1:49 "The Package
The Package (Lost)
"The Package" is the tenth television episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 113th episode overall. The episode was aired on March 30, 2010 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by producer Paul Zbyszewski and story...

11 Shepharding Sun 2:16
12 Tesla Tester 2:33 "Happily Ever After
Happily Ever After (Lost)
"Happily Ever After" is the 11th television episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 114th episode overall. The episode was aired on April 6, 2010 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by showrunners and executive...

13 George of the Concrete Jungle 1:09
14 World's Worst Car Wash 2:00
15 None the Nurse 3:48
16 Happily Ever After 1:57
17 Hugo Reyes of Light 1:41 "Everybody Loves Hugo
Everybody Loves Hugo
"Everybody Loves Hugo" is the 12th television episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 115th episode overall. The episode was aired on April 13, 2010 on ABC in the United States...

18 Passing the Torch 3:40
19 A Memorable Kiss 1:23
20 The Last Recruit 4:07 "The Last Recruit
The Last Recruit
"The Last Recruit" is the 13th television episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 116th episode overall. The episode was aired on April 20, 2010 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by producer Paul Zbyszewski and...

21 Kool-Aid Claire 1:19
22 The Sub Group 3:50
23 Sunny Outlook 0:40
24 Reunion and Reneging 2:58
25 The Hole Shabang (Bonus Track) 7:02 "The End
The End (Lost)
"The End" is the series finale of the ABC television series Lost, consisting of the 17th and 18th episodes of season 6. It is also the 120th and 121st episodes overall...

26 Moving On (Bonus Track) 7:54

The Last Episodes

On October 11, 2010 "Lost: The Last Episodes" was released as a limited edition of 5000 copies. It consists of two CDs: Disc 1 contains music from The Candidate
The Candidate (Lost)
"The Candidate" is the 14th episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 117th episode overall. The episode aired on May 4, 2010 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by Elizabeth Sarnoff and Jim Galasso and directed by...

, Across the Sea
Across the Sea (Lost)
"Across the Sea" is the 15th episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 118th episode overall. The episode aired on May 11, 2010 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by Carlton Cuse & Damon Lindelof and directed by...

 and What They Died For
What They Died For
"What They Died For" is the 16th and penultimate episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 119th and penultimate episode overall. The episode aired on May 18, 2010 on ABC in the United States...

 while disc 2 exclusively features music from The End
The End (Lost)
"The End" is the series finale of the ABC television series Lost, consisting of the 17th and 18th episodes of season 6. It is also the 120th and 121st episodes overall...

. It is also available on iTunes
iTunes is a media player computer program, used for playing, downloading, and organizing digital music and video files on desktop computers. It can also manage contents on iPod, iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad....


Disc one

# Track Time Episode
1 Cage Crashers 0:45 "The Candidate
The Candidate (Lost)
"The Candidate" is the 14th episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 117th episode overall. The episode aired on May 4, 2010 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by Elizabeth Sarnoff and Jim Galasso and directed by...

2 Shephard's Why 1:08
3 Sub-Primed 6:33
4 SS Lost-tanic 6:56
5 Flew the Coop 2:06
6 Across the Sea 1:54 "Across the Sea
Across the Sea (Lost)
"Across the Sea" is the 15th episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 118th episode overall. The episode aired on May 11, 2010 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by Carlton Cuse & Damon Lindelof and directed by...

7 Don't Look at the Light 3:31
8 A Brother's Quarrel 2:58
9 Make Like a Tree 6:10
10 Mother of a Plan 5:14
11 Mother of Sorrows 3:56
12 Love Is Stronger Than Death 2:51
13 Cereal Experience 2:25 "What They Died For
What They Died For
"What They Died For" is the 16th and penultimate episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 119th and penultimate episode overall. The episode aired on May 18, 2010 on ABC in the United States...

14 The Four Amigos 1:13
15 Walk and Talk and Aah! 2:31
16 Hide and Snitch 3:00
17 A Better Ben 1:56
18 What They Died For 3:30
19 Jack's Cup Runneth Over 1:41
20 Get Out of Jail Free Card 3:10

Disc two

# Track Time Episode
1 Parallelocam 3:23 "The End
The End (Lost)
"The End" is the series finale of the ABC television series Lost, consisting of the 17th and 18th episodes of season 6. It is also the 120th and 121st episodes overall...

2 Leaver-age 1:10
3 The Stick with Me Speech 3:05
4 Ultrasonic Flash 2:52
5 Fly By Dire 0:52
6 Down the Hobbit Hole 4:34
7 Dysfunctional Setup 2:15
8 The Well of Holes 3:21
9 Pulling Out All the Stops 2:28
10 Blood from a Locke 0:33
11 Our Lady of Perpetual Labor 4:35
12 If a Tree Falls 2:56
13 Locke v. Jack 2:21
14 Can't Keep Locke Down 2:51
15 The Long Kiss Goodbye 5:29
16 We Can Go Dutch 2:28
17 Kate Flashes Jack 1:13
18 Hurley's Coronation 2:47
19 The Hole Shabang 7:29
20 Aloha 1:12
21 Closure 8:08
22 Jumping Jack's Flash 0:56
23 Moving On 7:53
24 Parting Words (Drive Shaft) (Bonus Track) 3:32
25 Moving On (Alternate, with Ukulele) (iTunes Bonus) 7:55 N/A
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.