List of The Real Ghostbusters episodes
The animated television series The Real Ghostbusters
The Real Ghostbusters
The Real Ghostbusters is an American animated television series based on the 1984 film Ghostbusters. The series ran from 1986 to 1991, and was produced by Columbia Pictures Television, DiC Enterprises, and Coca-Cola Telecommunications. "The Real" was added to the title after a dispute with...

premiered on ABC
American Broadcasting Company
The American Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcasting television network. Created in 1943 from the former NBC Blue radio network, ABC is owned by The Walt Disney Company and is part of Disney-ABC Television Group. Its first broadcast on television was in 1948...

 on September 13, 1986. It continued airing weekly until the series conclusion on October 5, 1991. After the first season aired, the series entered syndication, during which new episodes aired each weekday. Sixty-five episodes aired in syndication before the start of the official second season in 1987. At the start of the third season in 1988, the show was renamed to Slimer! and the Real Ghostbusters and expanded to an hour long time slot, during which the regular thirty-minute episode aired along with a half-hour Slimer sub-series which included two to three short animated segments focused on the character Slimer
Slimer is a fictional green ghost featured in the 1984 supernatural comedy movie Ghostbusters , whose popularity soared from the subsequent spinoff animated television series The Real Ghostbusters. Slimer later starred in his own Slimer! cartoons when The Real Ghostbusters was extended to a...

. At the end of its six season run, 147 episodes had aired, including the syndicated episodes and 13 episodes of Slimer, with multiple episodes airing out of production order.

In 2004, Sony
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is the home video distribution arm of Sony Pictures Entertainment, a subsidiary of Sony Corporation. It was established in November 1979 as Columbia Pictures Home Entertainment, releasing 20 titles: The Anderson Tapes, Bell, Book and Candle, Born Free, Breakout,...

 released several bare bones home video episode compilations in the United Kingdom. These compilations were distributed in North American in 2006. Time-Life
Time–Life is a creator and direct marketer of books, music, video/DVD, and multimedia products. Its products are sold throughout North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia through television, print, retail, the Internet, telemarketing, and direct sales....

 released the complete series in a single 25-disc box-set collection on November 25, 2008. The discs were packed in five steelbook volumes, housed in a box modeled on the Ghostbuster's firehouse, a design chosen in an fan vote. Beginning the next year the separate volumes were released on their own, first in the United States, then in Australia and finally the United Kingdom.

Season 1: 1986

# Title Director Writer Original airdate Production Code

Syndication: 1987

# Title Director Writer Original airdate Production Code

Season 2: 1987

# Title Director Writer Original airdate Production Code

Season 3: 1988 Slimer! And The Real Ghostbusters

# Title Director Writer Original airdate Production Code

Season 4: 1989

# Title Director Writer Original airdate Production Code

Season 5: 1990

# Title Director Writer Original airdate Production Code

Season 6: 1991

# Title Director Writer Original airdate Production Code

Slimer sub-series: 1988-1989

# Title Director Writer Original airdate

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