List of Phi Beta Sigma chapters
The list of Phi Beta Sigma
Phi Beta Sigma
Phi Beta Sigma is a predominantly African-American fraternity which was founded at Howard University in Washington, D.C. on January 9, 1914, by three young African-American male students. The founders A. Langston Taylor, Leonard F. Morse, and Charles I...

includes active and inactive chapters of Phi Beta Sigma (ΦΒΣ). Founded on January 9, 1914 on the campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C. Phi Beta Sigma has opened chapters at other colleges, universities, and cities, and named them with Greek-letters. The fraternity's expansion started with its second (Beta) and third (Gamma) chapters, chartered at Wiley College and Morgan State College respectively in 1915. Today, the fraternity serves through a membership of more than 150,000 men in over 650 chapters in the United States, Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean.


Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity organizes its chapters according to their regions in the United States and abroad. The seven regions are each led by a regional director and a regional board. A comprehensive list of regions is shown below:
  • Eastern (Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, the United States Virgin Islands, Africa, and Europe)
  • Great Lakes (Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa)
  • Gulf Coast (Louisiana and Texas)

  • Southeastern (North Carolina, South Carolina and all of Tennessee east of the 86th Longitude)
  • Southern (Alabama, Bahamas, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi)
  • Southwestern (Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and all of Tennessee west of the 86th Longitude)
  • Western (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and Asia)


Chapters are designated a name by a given letter, or combination of letters, of the Greek Alphabet. A chapter's name is determined by their charter date. A multi-letter chapter name ending in "Sigma" denotes a graduate chapter. Deceased brothers are respectfully referred to as having joined The Omega Chapter.


The states that make up the Eastern Region are: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia. In addition to these 14 states, chapters within the United States Virgin Islands, Africa, and Europe are included.

Collegiate Chapters

Graduate Chapters

Great Lakes

The states that make up the Great Lakes Region are: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin.

Collegiate Chapters

Graduate Chapters

Graduate Chapters


The states that make up the Southern Region are: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. In addition to those four states, all chapters in the country of the Bahamas are included in this region.

Collegiate Chapters

Graduate Chapters


The states that make up the Southwestern Region are: Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and all of Tennessee west of the 86th Longitude.

Collegiate Chapters

Graduate Chapters


The Western region, with 15 states, holds the largest number of states within a region in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. The states that make up the Western Region are: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming. In addition to these states, all chapters within the continent of Asia are in this region.

Collegiate Chapters

Graduate Chapters

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