LinkedIn Answers
LinkedIn Answers is a knowledge market
Knowledge market
A knowledge market is a mechanism for distributing knowledge resources. There are two views on knowledge and how knowledge markets can function. One view uses a legal construct of intellectual property to make knowledge a typical scarce resource, so the traditional commodity market mechanism can be...

 service by LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a business-related social networking site. Founded in December 2002 and launched in May 2003, it is mainly used for professional networking. , LinkedIn reports more than 120 million registered users in more than 200 countries and territories. The site is available in English, French,...

. It is somewhat similar to 3form Free Knowledge Exchange
3form Free Knowledge Exchange is one of the earliest examples of human-based computation and human-based genetic algorithm . It uses both human-based selection and three types of human-based innovation , in order to implement collaborative problem-solving between humans.-References:# Kosorukoff ...

, Naver Knowledge iN, Yahoo! Answers
Yahoo! Answers
Yahoo! Answers is a community-driven question-and-answer site or a knowledge market launched by Yahoo! on June 28, 2005 that allows users to both submit questions to be answered and answer questions asked by other users...

, and other knowledge markets. LinkedIn Answers has an extensive user base, makes use of LinkedIn's network topology, and has a ’suggest an expert’ feature.

Site Operation

Users enter a question and select the members of their network who they believe may have the answer to this question. Users can answer and receive answers from their connections and experts who use LinkedIn.

See also

  • Collective intelligence
    Collective intelligence
    Collective intelligence is a shared or group intelligence that emerges from the collaboration and competition of many individuals and appears in consensus decision making in bacteria, animals, humans and computer networks....

  • Human-based computation
    Human-based computation
    Human-based computation is a computer science technique in which a computational process performs its function by outsourcing certain steps to humans...

  • Answerbag
    Answerbag is a collaborative online database of FAQs, where questions are asked and answered by users. Instead of the one question—one answer model, multiple answers to a given question are presented, in descending order of user ratings. As of December 2006, Answerbag was the second largest...

  • MetaFilter
    MetaFilter, known as MeFi to its members, is a community weblog whose purpose is to share links and discuss content that users have discovered on the web.-Community:MetaFilter was founded by Matthew Haughey in 1999...

  • Askalo
    Askalo is a social networking and user-generated local question-and-answer site. Askalo users can ask questions about any local topic and share answers tailored to their individual needs.- History :...

  • Askville
    Askville is a user-driven research site founded by and opened to the public on December 8, 2006.-History:Askville was co-founded by Korean-American former investment banker Joseph Park, previously co-founder of . The documentary film e-Dreams portrays the fate of the company...

  • Blurtit
    Blurtit is a Q&A website where people ask questions and a community of regular users provide answers based on their knowledge or opinions. Blurtit was founded in 2006, and is based in Norwich in Norfolk, UK...

  • FunAdvice is a social networking question-and-answer website. Users register to ask and answer questions, rate photos, chat, and write how-to guides...

  • Google Answers
    Google Answers
    Google Answers was an online knowledge market offered by Google that allowed users to post bounties for well researched answers to their queries. Asker-accepted answers cost $2 to $200. Google retained 25% of the researcher's reward and a 50 cent fee per question. In addition to the researcher's...

  • WikiAnswers
    WikiAnswers is an ad-supported wiki-based website where users can submit and answer questions.This site allows users to post and edit questions and answers. uses wiki technology and fundamentals, allowing communal ownership and editing of content. Each question has a "living"...

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.