Leychert is a commune
Communes of France
The commune is the lowest level of administrative division in the French Republic. French communes are roughly equivalent to incorporated municipalities or villages in the United States or Gemeinden in Germany...

 in the Ariège
Ariège is a department in southwestern France named after the Ariège River.- History :Ariège is one of the original 83 departments created during the French Revolution on 4 March 1790. It was created from the counties of Foix and Couserans....

 department in southwestern France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...



Etymology based on 2 assumptions:
dry lake or forest cleared (comes from the name of the old domain "les eychartelles" which once included a forest)

The story depends Leychert until 1789 that of Roquefixade. Having belonged to the Count of Toulouse and the lord of Saint Paul Bernard Amiel de Pailhès, Leychert be included, since half of the 13th century, in the province of Languedoc, and not in the County of Foix (the limit being at In River, on the town's current Soula).

The village was part of the castellany Roquefixade (and Nalzen, Soula, Saint Cirac and river). It was in the King of France. The Lord of Those was the master of the late 17th century until the Revolution.

The church at Leychert was an annex of Roquefixade with a vicar. The church is dedicated to St. Anne, at least in 1633 (however, a church of Saint Pierre Leychert is regularly mentioned in the deeds of the 17th century). After years of disrepair, the church was restored in the mid-1990s and is classified as a historical monument.


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