Leningrad udelivaet Ameriku Disk 1
Ленинград уделывает Америку (Диск 1) ('Leningrad Does America (Disc 1)) is a 2003 album by the Russian band Leningrad
Leningrad (band)
Leningrad , also known as Gruppirovka Leningrad and Bandformirovanie Leningrad , is a popular Russian ska punk band from Saint Petersburg , led by Sergey "Shnur" Shnurov....


Track listing

  1. "Когда нет денег" - Kogda net deneg - (When there's no money) – 3:48
  2. "Группа крови" - Gruppa krovi - (Blood type) – 4:42
  3. "Дачники" - Dachniki - (Farmers) – 3:15
  4. "Пидарасы" - Pidarasy - (Fags) – 3:47
  5. "Дикий мужчина" - Dikiy muzhchina - (Wild man) – 3:56
  6. "Бляди" - Blyadi - (Whores) – 3:45
  7. "Космос" - Kosmos - (Space) – 2:54
  8. "Полные карманы (У меня есть всё)" - Polnye karmany (U menya est vsyo) - (Full pockets (I have everything)) – 5:40
  9. "Ну, погоди!" - Nu, pogodi! - (Watch out) – 2:46
  10. "WWW" – 4:14
  11. "Мне бы в небо" - Mne by v nebo - (I want to go to the sky) – 4:57
  12. "День рождения" - Den rozhdeniya - (Birthday) – 2:10
  13. "Терминатор" - Terminator – 3:24
  14. "Новый год" - Novy god - (New Year) – 2:43
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