Learning pathway
The chosen route, taken by a learner through a range of (commonly) e-learning
E-learning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. The information and communication systems, whether networked learning or not, serve as specific media to implement the learning process...

activities, which allows them to build knowledge progressively. With learning pathways, the control of choice moves away from the tutor to the learner. "The sequence of intermediate steps from preconceptions to target model form what Scott (1991) and Niedderer and Goldberg (1995) have called a learning pathway. For any particular topic, such a pathway would provide both a theory of instruction and a guideline for teachers and curriculum developers" .

"Interactive courseware aids learners to access information and tools by which they can construct personalized transitions between the information to be accessed and their own cognitive structures. The process of navigation enables learners to experience the content of interactive courseware. Learning pathways also reveal the learning trails while learners traverse any interactive environment. Since learners have unique knowledge structures based upon their experiences and abilities, the ways that they choose to access, interact, and interrelate messages in interactive courseware also vary. Studies on pathways help us to explore and explain human behaviors during learning processes" .

This is one definition of a Learning Pathway or Learning Path. It focuses primarily on elearning. A more popular view in business training is to define a Learning Pathway as the ideal sequence of learning activities that lead to proficiency. By looking at learning as this type of complete process rather than a single event, it enables finding new ways to drive out time, waste and variability in training leading to improved results and reduced costs.
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