Law enforcement escort
A police escort, also known as a law enforcement escort, is a feature offered by most law enforcement agencies to assist in transporting VIP
Very Important Person
A Very Important Person, or VIP is a person who is accorded special privileges due to his or her status or importance.Examples include celebrities, heads of state/heads of government, major employers, high rollers, politicians, high-level corporate officers, wealthy individuals, or any other...

s or other important individuals.

This is done by means of assigning police vehicles
Police car
A police car is a ground vehicle used by police, to assist with their duties in patrolling and responding to incidents. Typical uses of a police car include transportation for officers to reach the scene of an incident quickly, to transport criminal suspects, or to patrol an area, while providing a...

, primarily cars or motorcycles, to precede, surround, and/or follow a vehicle, or group of vehicles.

An escort can range widely in size, beginning with a single vehicle. They almost always assist with motorcade
A motorcade is a procession of vehicles. The term motorcade was coined by Lyle Abbot , and is formed after cavalcade on the false notion that "-cade" was a suffix meaning "procession"...

s for the transportation of public officials, such as Heads of State or Government, or can be hired by celebrities, professional athletes, or for funerals.
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