Larinioides cornutus
Larinioides cornutus, the furrow spider, is an orb-weaver spider
Orb-weaver spider
The "typical" orb-weaver spiders are the most common group of builders of spiral wheel-shaped webs often found in gardens, fields and forests...

 with Holarctic
The Holarctic ecozone refers to the habitats found throughout the northern continents of the world as a whole. This region is divided into the Palearctic, consisting of Northern Africa and all of Eurasia, with the exception of Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent, and the Nearctic,...


Females reach a body length of about 6–14 mm, males up to 5–9 mm. Leg spans range from 18–35 mm.

These spiders are most often found in moist areas, especially near water. The web is built between grass or in low shrubbery. They hide during the day in a silken retreat that opens at the bottom, masked with plant and animal matter and leave it during the night. The web is remade in the evening.

The male lives with the female during mating time, which is in autumn, and again in spring. The female produces three to five yellow egg sacs during the summer.

There is possibly a distinct species L. folium which is very similar, but occurs in dry habitat.
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