Lamp of Invisible Light
Lamp of Invisible Light is a 2011 mixtape
A Mix Tape or Mixed Tape is a compilation of songs recorded in a specific order, traditionally onto an audio Compact Cassette.A Mix Tape, which usually reflects the musical tastes of its compiler, can range from a casually selected list of favorite songs, to a conceptual mix of songs linked by a...

 by hip-hop artist Noah23
Noah Raymond Brickley, better known by his stage name Noah23, is an alternative hip hop artist and founder of the Plague Language collective.- Biography :...


Track listing

  1. "New World"
  2. "Cold War"
  3. "Levitation"
  4. "Dali"
  5. "Sexkimo"
  6. "Ether Tech"
  7. "I'm R.A.W."
  8. "Music is a Ho"
  9. "Goth Star (Pictureplane Remix)"
  10. "New Day"

All tracks produced and remixed by Noah23, except for track 9, remixed by Pictureplane
Pictureplane is the stage name of electronic musician Travis Egedy. He first appeared in the music scene of Denver, Colorado, making a name for himself at the warehouse where he also lives, Rhinoceropolis...

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