Laminoplasty is a surgical procedure for treating spinal stenosis
A stenosis is an abnormal narrowing in a blood vessel or other tubular organ or structure.It is also sometimes called a stricture ....

 by relieving pressure on the spinal cord
Spinal cord
The spinal cord is a long, thin, tubular bundle of nervous tissue and support cells that extends from the brain . The brain and spinal cord together make up the central nervous system...

. The procedure involves cutting the lamina
Lamina of the vertebral arch
The laminæ are two broad plates, extending dorsally and medially from the pedicles, fusing to complete the roof of the vertebral arch.Their upper borders and the lower parts of their anterior surfaces are rough for the attachment of the ligamenta flava....

 on both sides of the affected vertebrae (cutting through on one side and merely cutting a groove on the other) and then "swinging" the freed flap of bone open thus relieving the pressure on the spinal cord. The spinous process
Spinous process
The spinous process of a vertebra is directed backward and downward from the junction of the laminae , and serves for the attachment of muscles and ligaments. In animals without an erect stance, the process points upward and may slant forward or backward...

 may be removed to allow the lamina bone flap to be swung open. The bone flap is then propped open using small wedges or pieces of bone such that the enlarged spinal canal will remain in place.

This technique contrasts with vertebral laminectomy
Laminectomy is a spine operation to remove the portion of the vertebral bone called the lamina. There are many variations of laminectomy. In the most minimal form small skin incisions are made, back muscles are pushed aside rather than cut, and the parts of the vertebra adjacent to the lamina are...

in the amount of bone and muscle tissue that has to be removed, displaced, or dissected in the procedure.

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