Kristofer Kristofersson Hjeltnes
Kristofer Frimann Kristofersson Hjeltnes (1856–1930) was a Norwegian horticulturist and politician.

Born in Ulvik
Ulvik is a municipality in Hordaland county, Norway. The municipality stretches from the Hardangerfjord to 1,800 metres above sea level, and borders the municipalities of Granvin, Eidfjord, Ullensvang, Voss, Aurland, and Hol. It takes around two hours to drive from Bergen to Ulvik. The nearest...

, Hjeltnes worked to spread horticulture in Western Norway in general, especially fruit growing. He founded his own horticultural school, and managed it from 1901 to 1918. Later, Olav H. Hauge
Olav H. Hauge
Olav Håkonson Hauge was a Norwegian poet. He was born in Ulvik and lived his whole life there, working as a gardener in his own orchard....

 would attend the school.

He also served as a politician, and was involved in nation building.
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