Kev Koom Siab
Kev Koom Siab was the first Hmong language
Hmong language
Hmong or Mong is the common name for a dialect continuum of the West Hmongic branch of the Hmong–Mien/Miao–Yao language family spoken by the Hmong people of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, northern Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos...

 public affairs television program on US television. The series was produced at Twin Cities Public Television and Saint Paul Neighborhood Network
Saint Paul Neighborhood Network
Saint Paul Neighborhood Network, or SPNN is a non-profit community media center and cable television station located in downtown Saint Paul, Minnesota. Cable-casting on five channels, it reaches more than 52,000 cable households.- History :...

 from 1992 to 2003. The programs are currently stored for historical and cultural reference at the Hmong Archives at Concordia University, Saint Paul
Concordia University, Saint Paul
Concordia University is a liberal arts university located in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Concordia University was founded in 1893 and currently enrolls approximately 2,800 students...

, in St Paul, Minnesota.
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