Justus Heinrich Wigand
Justus Heinrich Wigand was a German obstetrician who was a native of Reval
Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It occupies an area of with a population of 414,940. It is situated on the northern coast of the country, on the banks of the Gulf of Finland, south of Helsinki, east of Stockholm and west of Saint Petersburg. Tallinn's Old Town is in the list...


Wigand studied medicine
Medicine is the science and art of healing. It encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness....

 at the Universities of Jena and Erlangen, earning his doctorate at the latter. From 1793 to 1814 he was a physician in Hamburg
-History:The first historic name for the city was, according to Claudius Ptolemy's reports, Treva.But the city takes its modern name, Hamburg, from the first permanent building on the site, a castle whose construction was ordered by the Emperor Charlemagne in AD 808...

, and afterwards lived in Heidelberg
-Early history:Between 600,000 and 200,000 years ago, "Heidelberg Man" died at nearby Mauer. His jaw bone was discovered in 1907; with scientific dating, his remains were determined to be the earliest evidence of human life in Europe. In the 5th century BC, a Celtic fortress of refuge and place of...

, Schwetzingen
Schwetzingen is a German town situated in the northwest of Baden-Württemberg, around southwest of Heidelberg and southeast of Mannheim.Schwetzingen is one of the 5 biggest cities of the Rhein-Neckar-Kreis district and it is a medium-sized centre including the cities and municipalities of...

 and Mannheim
Mannheim is a city in southwestern Germany. With about 315,000 inhabitants, Mannheim is the second-largest city in the Bundesland of Baden-Württemberg, following the capital city of Stuttgart....


He is remembered for introducing an assisted breech delivery procedure known as the "Wigand maneuver". His best known written work, Die Geburt des Menschen was published posthumously in 1820.

Selected publications

  • Von den Ursachen und der Behandlung der Nachgeburtszögerungen, 1803
  • Drey den medicinischen Facultäten zu Paris und Berlin zur Prüfung übergebene geburtshülfliche Abhandlungen, 1812
  • Die Geburt des Menschen in physiologisch- diätetischer und pathologisch- therapeutischer Beziehung, grösstentheils nach eigenen Beobachtungen und Versuchen dargestellt, 1820
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