Julia Kolberger
Julia Kolberger is a Polish director and actress.

In 2009 she graduated from the Faculty of Directing at National Film School in Łódź).

She is the daughter of Polish actors Krzysztof Kolberger
Krzysztof Kolberger
Krzysztof Marek Kolberger was a Polish actor and theatre director. His father's surname was changed in the 1950s, it was originally Kohlberger. He is the father of actress Julia Kolberger, his daughter with ex-wife Anna Romantowska.Krzysztof Kolberger studied at Warsaw Academy of Dramatic Arts ...

 and Anna Romantowska
Anna Romantowska
Anna Romantowska is a Polish film and theatre actress.She has been married to the Polish actor and director Krzysztof Kolberger as well as the Polish radio presenter, disc jockey, director, screenwriter and producer Jacek Bromski...


External links

Julia Kolberger on IMDb

Profile on Film Polski website (in Polish)

Profile on the Film Web website (in Polish)

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