Jonathan Tyler
Jonathan Tyler is a Green Party
Green Party of England and Wales
The Green Party of England and Wales is a political party in England and Wales which follows the traditions of Green politics and maintains a strong commitment to social progressivism. It is the largest Green party in the United Kingdom, containing within it various regional divisions including...

 activist and academic.

Tyler was an early arliamentary candidate for the Ecology Party, in the Walsall North by-election, 1976
Walsall North by-election, 1976
The Walsall North by-election on 4 November 1976 was held after the resignation of sitting Member of Parliament John Stonehouse. Elected as a Labour candidate, Stonehouse was a member of the English National Party when he resigned, after an interlude in which he faked his own death...

, at a time when he was a transport lecturer at the University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
The University of Birmingham is a British Redbrick university located in the city of Birmingham, England. It received its royal charter in 1900 as a successor to Birmingham Medical School and Mason Science College . Birmingham was the first Redbrick university to gain a charter and thus...

. He was the Ecology Party's Chairman for some years from 1976.

Tyler would later go on to stand as a candidate in local elections. During the 1980s he was associated with attempts by the 'Maingreen' group to streamline the Green Party's internal workings. He subsequently left the Green Party, but rejoined some years later.

He is now a member of York Green Party and has been Chair of York Environment Forum whilst also working as a transport consultant
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