Joaquina Maria Mercedes Barcelo Pages
Joaquina Maria Mercedes Barcelo Pages (Consuelo) was born on July 24, 1857 in Sarrià, Barcelona, Spain. She cofounded the Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation
Independent Augustinian Communities
Independent Augustinian communities are Roman Catholic religious communities that follow the Augustinian Rule, but are not under the jurisdiction of the Prior General of the Augustinian hermits in Rome....

 along with her sister, also a Spanish nun, Madre Rita Barcelo. She died on August 4, 1940 in Manila, Philippines.


Pages is currently in consideration for sainthood in the Roman Catholic Church with protocol number 2472 assigned by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints
Congregation for the Causes of Saints
The Congregation for the Causes of Saints is the congregation of the Roman Curia which oversees the complex process that leads to the canonization of saints, passing through the steps of a declaration of "heroic virtues" and beatification...

. On June 18, 2002, she was declared Servant of God
Servant of God
Servant of God is a title given to individuals by various religions, but in general the phrase is used to describe a person believed to be pious in his or her faith tradition. In the Catholic Church, it designates someone who is being investigated by the Church for possibly being recognized as a...


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