Janice Kawaye
Janice Kawaye is a Japanese-American actress, notable for providing the voice of Jenny "XJ-9" Wakeman on My Life as a Teenage Robot
My Life as a Teenage Robot
My Life as a Teenage Robot is an American animated television series, created by Rob Renzetti for Nickelodeon. The series follows the adventures of XJ-9, better known as Jenny Wakeman, a female robot designed to protect Earth, who is excessively addicted to teen-related activities, which are almost...

, Ami
Ami Onuki
is a member of the pop group PUFFY.She has co-hosted several Japanese TV shows with the "cool" half of PUFFY, Yumi Yoshimura, including the talk show Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Puffy, part of a morning show called Saku-Saku, and the 2006 series Hi Hi Puffy Bu, in which Ami and Yumi perform one given task each...

 on Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
is an American-Japanese animated series from Cartoon Network, produced by Renegade Animation. The show was created by Sam Register, who also serves as the series' executive producer....

, Sarah on Invader Zim
Invader Zim
Invader Zim is an American animated television series created by Jhonen Vasquez. It was produced by and subsequently aired on Nickelodeon. The series revolves around an extraterrestrial named Zim from the planet Irk, and his ongoing mission to conquer and destroy Earth...

, Gi on Captain Planet and the Planeteers
Captain Planet and the Planeteers
Captain Planet is the title character of the series. In the beginning of the series, Gaia assembles a modern-day team of "Planeteers" from several nations...

, Kioko and Julia on All Grown Up!
All Grown Up!
All Grown Up! is an American animated television series created by Arlene Klasky and Gábor Csupó. After the success of All Growed Up, the Rugrats 10th anniversary special, Nickelodeon commissioned All Grown Up! as a spin-off series based on the episode.The series ran from April 12, 2003 to August...

and Yuzu Kurosaki on Bleach
Bleach (manga)
is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Noriaki "Tite" Kubo. Bleach follows the adventures of Ichigo Kurosaki after he obtains the powers of a —a death personification similar to the Grim Reaper—from another Soul Reaper, Rukia Kuchiki...

. She also provided the voices for the twins Kim and Kam Chin on the short lived Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network is a name of television channels worldwide created by Turner Broadcasting which used to primarily show animated programming. The channel began broadcasting on October 1, 1992 in the United States....

 animated series Class of 3000
Class of 3000
Class of 3000 is an American animated television series on Cartoon Network that was created by, was executively produced by, and starred André 3000 of the Hip Hop group OutKast as superstar and music teacher Sunny Bridges, set at Atlanta, Georgia's Westley School of Performing Arts. Mr...

, created by Andre Benjamin
André 3000
André Lauren Benjamin , better known by his stage name André 3000 is an American rapper, singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer and actor, best known for being part of American hip-hop duo OutKast alongside fellow rapper Big Boi...

 of the musical group OutKast
Outkast is an American hip hop duo based in East Point, Georgia, consisting of Atlanta native André "André 3000" Benjamin and Savannah, Georgia-born Antwan "Big Boi" Patton. They were originally known as Two Shades Deep but later changed the group's name to OutKast...



  • Dorothy Meets Ozma of Oz
    Dorothy Meets Ozma of Oz
    Dorothy Meets Ozma of Oz is a short film introduced through Michael Gross of Family Ties. It is based on Ozma of Oz by L. Frank Baum.-Plot:...

    - Dorothy Gale
    Dorothy Gale
    Dorothy Gale is the protagonist of many of the Oz novels by American author L. Frank Baum, and the best friend of Oz's ruler Princess Ozma. Dorothy first appears in Baum's classic children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and reappears in most of its sequels...

  • Night of the Comet
    Night of the Comet
    Night of the Comet is a 1984 film directed by Thom Eberhardt and starring Catherine Mary Stewart, Robert Beltran, and Kelli Maroney. It has elements of such diverse genres as science fiction, horror, zombie apocalypse, comedy, and romance....

    - Sarah, the young rescued girl

TV Series

  • All Grown Up!
    All Grown Up!
    All Grown Up! is an American animated television series created by Arlene Klasky and Gábor Csupó. After the success of All Growed Up, the Rugrats 10th anniversary special, Nickelodeon commissioned All Grown Up! as a spin-off series based on the episode.The series ran from April 12, 2003 to August...

    - Kioko and Julia
  • Captain Planet and the Planeteers
    Captain Planet and the Planeteers
    Captain Planet is the title character of the series. In the beginning of the series, Gaia assembles a modern-day team of "Planeteers" from several nations...

    - Gi
  • Codename: Kids Next Door
    Codename: Kids Next Door
    Codename: Kids Next Door, also known as Kids Next Door or by its acronym KND, is an American animated television series created by Tom Warburton and produced by Curious Pictures in Santa Monica, California.. The series debuted on Cartoon Network on December 6, 2002 and aired its final episode on...

    - Sonia, Lee
  • Class of 3000
    Class of 3000
    Class of 3000 is an American animated television series on Cartoon Network that was created by, was executively produced by, and starred André 3000 of the Hip Hop group OutKast as superstar and music teacher Sunny Bridges, set at Atlanta, Georgia's Westley School of Performing Arts. Mr...

    - Kim and Kam Chin
  • Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
    Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
    is an American-Japanese animated series from Cartoon Network, produced by Renegade Animation. The show was created by Sam Register, who also serves as the series' executive producer....

    - Ami
    Ami Onuki
    is a member of the pop group PUFFY.She has co-hosted several Japanese TV shows with the "cool" half of PUFFY, Yumi Yoshimura, including the talk show Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Puffy, part of a morning show called Saku-Saku, and the 2006 series Hi Hi Puffy Bu, in which Ami and Yumi perform one given task each...

    , Tekirai
  • Invader Zim
    Invader Zim
    Invader Zim is an American animated television series created by Jhonen Vasquez. It was produced by and subsequently aired on Nickelodeon. The series revolves around an extraterrestrial named Zim from the planet Irk, and his ongoing mission to conquer and destroy Earth...

    - Sara
  • Megas XLR
    Megas XLR
    Megas XLR is an American animated television series that aired on the Toonami block on Cartoon Network and is produced by Cartoon Network Studios. It was created by Jody Schaeffer and George Krstic...

    - Car Fan #1, Teenage Girl, Dance Program Girl, Galaxa
  • My Life as a Teenage Robot
    My Life as a Teenage Robot
    My Life as a Teenage Robot is an American animated television series, created by Rob Renzetti for Nickelodeon. The series follows the adventures of XJ-9, better known as Jenny Wakeman, a female robot designed to protect Earth, who is excessively addicted to teen-related activities, which are almost...

    - Jenny (XJ-9),XJ-1
  • Midnight Patrol: Adventures in the Dream Zone
    Midnight Patrol: Adventures In The Dream Zone
    Midnight Patrol: Adventures in the Dream Zone / Potsworth and Company is an animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera in conjunction with Sleepy Kids PLC and is known outside the USA as Potsworth & Co....

    - Keiko
  • The Karate Kid
    The Karate Kid (TV series)
    The Karate Kid was a thirteen episode animated series which debuted on NBC's Saturday morning lineup. It starred Joey Dedio, Robert Ito, and Janice Kawaye. It was based on the popular Karate Kid series of films...

    - Taki
  • The Problem Solverz
    The Problem Solverz
    The Problem Solverz is an American animated television series produced by Made 100% in Burbank and Mirari Films and created by Ben Jones, a member of the art collective Paper Rad, for Cartoon Network...

    - Various Voices

Video Games

  • Ninja Gaiden
    Ninja Gaiden
    is a series of video games by Tecmo featuring the ninja Ryu Hayabusa as its protagonist. The series was originally known as in Japan. The word "gaiden" in the North American Ninja Gaiden title means "side-story" in Japanese, even though the Ninja Gaiden series is not a spinoff of a previous series...

    - Ayane
    Ayane (Dead or Alive)
    is a player character in the Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden fighting game series by Team NINJA and Tecmo Koei. Ayane has also a complex relationship with Kasumi, the leading heroine of the Dead or Alive series, ever since they grew up together...

  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma
    Ninja Gaiden Sigma
    Ninja Gaiden Sigma, also known as Ninja Gaiden Σ, is an action-adventure game developed by Team Ninja for the PlayStation 3 video game console. Originally released on Xbox in 2004, it is an enhanced port of Ninja Gaiden and a continuation of a 1988 video game originally released for the Nintendo...

    - Ayane
    Ayane is the romanization of a Japanese given name. Literally translated it means "colorful sound".- People :*Ayane or Junko Hirata, Japanese singer-songwriter*Ayane Miura , Japanese model and actress...

  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
    Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
    Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, also known as Ninja Gaiden Σ 2, is an action-adventure game developed by Team Ninja for the PlayStation 3. It is an enhanced port of Ninja Gaiden II.-Plot:...

    - Ayane
    Ayane is the romanization of a Japanese given name. Literally translated it means "colorful sound".- People :*Ayane or Junko Hirata, Japanese singer-songwriter*Ayane Miura , Japanese model and actress...

  • Ninja Gaiden II - Ayane
    Ayane is the romanization of a Japanese given name. Literally translated it means "colorful sound".- People :*Ayane or Junko Hirata, Japanese singer-songwriter*Ayane Miura , Japanese model and actress...

  • Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
    Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
    Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, known in Japan as , is a console role-playing game developed by Namco Tales Studio and published by Namco Bandai for the Wii as a cross of spin-off and sequel to Tales of Symphonia for the Nintendo GameCube and PlayStation 2. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of...

    - Alice (uncredited)
  • Valkyria Chronicles II - Cosette Coalhearth

External links

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