Janica is a Slavic female given name used in Croatia
Croatia , officially the Republic of Croatia , is a unitary democratic parliamentary republic in Europe at the crossroads of the Mitteleuropa, the Balkans, and the Mediterranean. Its capital and largest city is Zagreb. The country is divided into 20 counties and the city of Zagreb. Croatia covers ...

, the diminutive
In language structure, a diminutive, or diminutive form , is a formation of a word used to convey a slight degree of the root meaning, smallness of the object or quality named, encapsulation, intimacy, or endearment...

 form of the name Jana. The English
English language
English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria...

 equivalent of the name is Janice
Janice (given name)
Janice is a feminine given name, an extended version of Jane. Jane is one of the feminine forms of John in English. The meaning of "Janice" is "God is gracious" .-List of people with the given name Janice:...

 or Janie
Janie (given name)
Janie is a female diminutive name and may refer to:*Jane *Janice *Janine *Janis -People:* Janie Bradford , American songwriter* Janie Dee , English actress and singer...


It is debated upon whether the name is actually Hebrew, in which the meaning of Janica is "God's Gracious Gift".

Notable women named Janica:
  • Janica Kostelić
    Janica Kostelic
    Janica Kostelić is a retired alpine ski racer from Croatia. She is the only woman to win four gold medals in alpine skiing at the Winter Olympics , and the only woman to win three alpine skiing gold medals in one Olympics ....

    , Croatian alpine skier

The female protagonist of Slavko Kolar's Breza, and Ante Babaja's movie Breza, is called Janica.
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