Jacques Faubert
Jacques Faubert is a Canadian composer
A composer is a person who creates music, either by musical notation or oral tradition, for interpretation and performance, or through direct manipulation of sonic material through electronic media...

, conductor
Conducting is the art of directing a musical performance by way of visible gestures. The primary duties of the conductor are to unify performers, set the tempo, execute clear preparations and beats, and to listen critically and shape the sound of the ensemble...

, and music educator. He notably founded the Mont-Royal Symphony Orchestra and choir in 1987. He earned premiers prixs in harmony, counterpoint, and fugue from the Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Montréal (CMQM) where he studied with Jean-Louis Martinet
Jean-Louis Martinet
Jean-Louis Martinet is a French composer. He studied at the Schola Cantorum with Charles Koechlin and at the Conservatoire de Paris with Jean Roger-Ducasse and Olivier Messiaen. He also studied privately with René Leibowitz...

, Gaston Arel, and Pierre Mollet
Pierre Mollet
Pierre Mollet is a Canadian operatic baritone of Swiss birth. He became a naturalized Canadian citizen in 1974 and in 1979 married the Canadian pianist Suzanne Blondin....

 from 1970-1976. He then went to France to study at the Paris Conservatory with Marcel Bitsch
Marcel Bitsch
Marcel Bitsch was a French composer, teacher and analyst. He studied at the Conservatoire de Paris and also was professor of counterpoint there. In his latter years he concentrated on teaching and analysing the music of J. S...

 and Jacques Castérède
Jacques Castérède
Jacques Castérède is a French composer.He studied at Lycée Buffon in Paris. He gained his baccalaureat in elementary mathematics, before he entered Paris National Conservatory of Music in 1944 and began studying piano under Armand Ferté, composition under Tony Aubin, analysis under Olivier Messiaen...

 from 1976–1979, earning premier prixs in fugue and music analysis. He has served on the faculty of the CMQM since 1985 and is a former professor of music at the Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Trois-Rivières
The Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Trois-Rivières is a music conservatory located in Trois-Rivières, Quebec.Most of the school's students come from the Saint-Maurice region of Quebec; many of them from the conservatoire preparatory programs at the school of St-Gabriel du Cap-de-la-Madeleine...

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