Ivory Kimball
Judge Ivory G. Kimball and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington County, Virginia, is a military cemetery in the United States of America, established during the American Civil War on the grounds of Arlington House, formerly the estate of the family of Confederate general Robert E. Lee's wife Mary Anna Lee, a great...

. He was the son of Wilbraham Kimball Jr. and Ann Hatch.
Judge Ivory married Anna Lovinia Ferris. Anna was born on 8/January 9, 1839 in Barre, Orleans, New York. She died on March 23, 1914. Judge Ivory served in the E company of the 55th Indiana Regiment.

In the papers of Arthur Alden Kimball filed by his wife in November 1997, she says "His grandfather Ivory G. Kimball was a Civil War veteran who was appointed judge of the Washington, DC, police court by President Cleveland
Grover Cleveland
Stephen Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th president of the United States. Cleveland is the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms and therefore is the only individual to be counted twice in the numbering of the presidents...

 in 1893."

The Memorial Amphitheater, at the Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington County, Virginia, is a military cemetery in the United States of America, established during the American Civil War on the grounds of Arlington House, formerly the estate of the family of Confederate general Robert E. Lee's wife Mary Anna Lee, a great...

, was the dream of Judge Ivory G. Kimball, who wished to have a place to assemble and honor the American defenders.

"Judge I. G. Kimball worked hard during several sessions of Congress as the Department Head of the G.A.R. in the District to get the bill through Congress to build the Arlington Amphitheatre. It finally went through in President Theo. Roosevelt's Administration, and the Judge was honored by being the one chosen to remove the first spadeful of earth to start the work. His name appears on a bronze tablet on the completed structure. He regarded this as the crowning accomplishment of his life." (George E.Kimball)

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