Istar Gozaydin
İştar Gözaydın is a well-known professor of Law and Politics. She is currently teaching in Turkey at Dogus University, Istanbul - School of Law.


İştar Gözaydın has studied at the New York University School of Law
New York University School of Law
The New York University School of Law is the law school of New York University. Established in 1835, the school offers the J.D., LL.M., and J.S.D. degrees in law, and is located in Greenwich Village, in the New York City borough of Manhattan....

 and Georgetown University International Law Institute, and holds an LLD degree from the Istanbul University. Prof. Gözaydın also produces and presents program aired by Acik Radyo (Open Radyo), in Istanbul since 1995.


İştar Gözaydın's research interests are
  • Modernity, Modernities, Modernization
  • Nation, Nationalism, and State Formation
  • History, Politics, Law and Society of Turkey
  • Religion, State and Society
  • Human Rights with a special focus on religious discrimination Administrative Law, Comparative History of Law, Law and Cultural Studies (cinema and law, literature and law)
  • Politics
  • Social Theory"

She is currently focusing on the relations between religion and state in Modern Turkey.


  • Müslüman Toplum, “Laik” Devlet : Türkiye’de Diyanet Isleri Baskanligi (Muslim Society, “Secular” State in Turkey : Directorate of Religious Affairs), Afa, Istanbul 1993 (last name: Tarhanli) (in Turkish)
  • Belediyecinin Basucu Kitabi (A Handbook for the Municipalities) (co-authors : Dr. Ercan Eyüpoglu and Fikret Toksöz), a publication of Union of Local Administrations in Marmara Region, Istanbul 1994 (in Turkish)
  • Türkiye’de diyanet (Religious Affairs in Turkey), Yeni Yüzyil Books no. 19, Istanbul 1995 (in Turkish)
  • Bir Toplumda Birarada Yasamak için Akilda Tutulmasi Gerekenlere Dair El Kitabi (A Guidebook for Legal Issues to Keep In Mind in order to Live In a Community), a publication of MESS, Istanbul 1999 (in Turkish)
  • Diyanet: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nde Dinin Tanzimi. Iletisim Yayinlari (revised and updated 2nd edition), Istanbul 2009 (in Turkish)
  • Gözaydın, İ., Muslim Society, Secular State: Directorate of Religious Affairs in Turkey, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 2010 (forthcoming)
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