Investigation held by Kolobki
Investigation held by Kolobki is a 1986-1987 Soviet animation by Aleksander Tatarskiy in four episodes.

Episodes 1 and 2 were made by Soyuztelefilm in 1986, 3 and 4 by T/O Ekran in 1987.

Later the characters (Brothers Pilots) of this animation were heavily used by Tatarskiy's Pilot TV, in particular for the series Attic Fruttis and Academy of own Arrors.

The name of this animation film is a pun of a popular Soviet TV series Investigation Held by ZnaToKi.

Plot summary

Foreign citizen Karbofos (parody on Karabas
Karabas may refer to:* Karabas Barabas, a villain in Buratino, Russian fairy tale* Anatolian Shepherd Dog* Jewish term for 'mock-king'. The Karabas is likely the Jewish version of the 'Lord of Misrule', linked to the Saturnalia, with possible ancient associations with the likes of Attis and Osiris...

) steals a rare species of striped elephant from a city zoo. Famous Kolobki
Kolobok is the main character of an East Slavic national fairy tale with the same name, represented as a small yellow spherical being.The fairy tale is prevalent in Slavic regions in a number of variations. A similar fairy tale with a pancake rolling off has also been recorded in German and Nordic...

 brothers tackle the investigation.

In a souvenir shop, Karbofos obtains a certificate confirming that he had bought a porcelain elephant. Using this certificate he tries to get on a plane.

Luckily, the ingenious Kolobki arrive just in time to lure the elephant away with cod-liver oil and shoot Karbofos down with a balloon gun.

Voice cast

  • Leonid Bronevoy
    Leonid Bronevoy
    Leonid Sergeyevich Bronevoy is a Nika Award-winning Soviet and Russian actor. Though primarily a stage actor, known for his work in the Lenkom Theatre, Bronevoy also makes occasional appearances in movies...

     as Boss (in parts 1 and 2)
  • Michael Evdokimov as Boss (in parts 3 and 4)
  • Aleksey Ptitsin
  • S. Fedotov


  • — Oh, Boss, I can see you!
    — Analogously!
  • I don't understand nothing.
  • Either something has happened, or one of these two possibilities.
  • Meet me at N o'clock!
    — Analogously! (There weren't the hour arrow on clock, he said that they could meet at N:00, where N is the russian word tail and'd be any hour between 11 to 19 (like teenager)
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