Imam Ahmad Raza Academy
Imam Ahmad Raza Academy is most Prominent and Leading Organization of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama'at of South Africa. It was established on the 5th of July 1986 (1406 A.H.) in South Africa with the sole purpose of uplifting the Muslim Ummah academically and spiritually. The chief founder and current President of the organisation is Sheikh Abdul Hadi Al-Qaadiri Barakaati, a graduate of the famous Islamic University, Darul Uloom Manzare Islam, Bareilly Shareef, India.
  • It promotes and defends the pristine teachings of the mainstream Ahle-Sunnah wa Jam‘at as propounded in the life and works of A‘la-Hadrat mam Ahmad Raza] khan] al-Qaudri .

  • It follows the same sunnism which is also known as Traditional Islam or Sufism.
  • Its aim Includes bring all sunnis close to each Other and make them aware of Reform Movements Which are Running in the name of Islam .

Guiding Principles

  • To love Allah and Muhammad
  • To love those who love Allah and Muhammad. To bring other non-believers on to the path of Allah and Muhammad
  • To Spread the path of the Ambiya, the Awliya, the Shuhadah, the Saaliheen and Siddiqeen.

Aims and Objectives

  1. To promote and propagate the teachings of the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah as was practised by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad
    Muhammad |ligature]] at U+FDF4 ;Arabic pronunciation varies regionally; the first vowel ranges from ~~; the second and the last vowel: ~~~. There are dialects which have no stress. In Egypt, it is pronounced not in religious contexts...

    ; and also followed by the Four Righteous Caliphs, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddique, Sayyiduna Umar Al Farouk, Sayyiduna Uthman Ghani, Sayyiduna Ali Al Murtadha ; and the Four eminent Imams, Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafai, Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal; the Awliya-Ikraam, Ghousul Azam Hadrat Sheikh Sayed Abdul Qadir Jilani, Sayyiduna Hazrat Moinuddin Chisti Gareeb Nawaaz, Sayyiduna Sheikh Bahaahul Haq Nakshabandi, Sayyiduna Sheikh Khaja Shahabudeen Omar Suhrwardi; and the various Masha'ikhs and Ulema, such as, Mujaddid-e-Deen-o-Millat, Sayyidi A'la Hadrat, Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al Qaadiri Barkaati, Huzoor Mufti Azam, Ash Shah Moulana Mustafa Raza Khan
    Mustafa Raza Khan
    Mustafa Raza Khan, commonly known among the Muslims of South Asia as Mufti e Azam e Hind, was born in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India in 1892. His father, Ahmed Raza Khan was the founder of the Barelvi school of Sunni Islam in South Asia.. His grandfather, Moulana Naqi Ali Khan Mustafa Raza Khan,...

     Al Qaadiri Barkaati.
  2. To promote the Celebration of the Birthday of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah, the Urs Shareef of the great Awliya and Swaliheen of Islam, and such auspicious occasions as Laylatul Qadr, Laylatal Meraj, Laylatal Barat, Laylatul Ashura.
  3. To adopt ways and means in order to improve, promote and protect the religious, moral, educational, social and cultural interests of all Muslims living within South Africa and abroad.
  4. To serve as a centre of learning and teaching the basics of Islamic Faith in accordance to the Sunni path.
  5. To make children and adults Huffaaz of the Holy Quran.
  6. To provide such facilities and assistance as may be necessary to persons who could do useful research in Islam.
  7. To formulate and implement a simplified and objective educational syllabus to suit the needs of children of Muslim parents in South Africa.
  8. To guide Muslims in Islamic affairs.
  9. To maintain an Islamic book, and audio-video library.
  10. To translate, compile, publish and distribute useful Islamic literature, books, magazines, brochures, periodicals, newsletters, pamphlets, etc. with special reference to the teachings of A'la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) and his Successors (radi Allahu anhum ajma'in).
  11. To initiate schemes of general welfare for the Muslims, to serve and aid the needy and the destitute.
  12. To make representations wherever and whenever necessary to authorities for the removal of disabilities that affect the Muslims and the Islamic Shariah.
  13. To support any worthwhile cause undertaken by any other Sunni society, institution or body working for similar aims and objectives. 14. To follow up misrepresentations of the cause of Islam and Muslims in books, magazines and papers, and to present the same in its true spirit and perspective by means of articles, letters to the editor and other means. 15. To establish an Islamic University, College or Darul Uloom in South Africa to cater for the educational needs of Muslims.


Including Publication of Various books,magazines and journals it has offered
  • Dar al-Iftah
  • Research and translation bureau
  • 'Madressa Radawiya Barakaatiyah
  • Mustapha Raza Library
  • Wimbroc - lectures on Islam through audio-visual aids
  • Free Islamic literature
  • Ar-Raza Feeding Scheme - operating in Chatsworth in more than ten schools; at the Sheikh Badsha Peer Mazaar every Thursday, and also at nearby squatter camps
  • Zakaatfund
  • Youth wing
  • Islamic programmes: Dhikr
    Dhikr , plural ; ), is an Islamic devotional act, typically involving the repetition of the Names of God, supplications or formulas taken from hadith texts and verses of the Qur'an. Dhikr is usually done individually, but in some Sufi orders it is instituted as a ceremonial activity...

    , Milad un Nabi, Urs
    Urs is the death anniversary of a Sufi saint in South Asia, usually held at the saint's dargah . South Asian Sufis being mainly Chishtiyya, refer to their saints as lovers and God as beloved...

     Sharif, Khatam al-Qur'an

See also

  • Asian Sunnis
  • Islam in South Africa
    Islam in South Africa
    Islam in South Africa pre-dates the colonial period, and consisted of isolated contact with Arab and East Africa traders. Many South African Muslims are described as Coloureds, notably in the Western Cape, including those whose ancestors came as slaves from the Indonesian archipelago...

  • Qari Muhammad Muslehuddin Siddiqui
    Allama Al-Hafiz Al-Qari Muhammad Muslehuddin Siddiqui Qadri Razavi
    Muhammad Muslehuddin Siddiqui , was a Sufi leader of Hyderabad. He was born on the 11th day of Rabi' al-awwal 1336AH, corresponding to 27 December 1918, at the time of true dawn in Nander, Hyderabad deccan. His father was Ghulam Jilani, an Islamic scholar...

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