Iliac branch of iliolumbar artery
The iliac branch of the iliolumbar artery (ramus iliacus) descends to supply the iliacus muscle; some offsets, running between the muscle and the bone, anastomose with the iliac branches of the obturator artery
Obturator artery
The obturator artery is a branch of the internal iliac artery that passes antero-inferiorly on the lateral wall of the pelvis, to the upper part of the obturator foramen, and, escaping from the pelvic cavity through the obturator canal, it divides into both an anterior and a posterior...

; one of these enters an oblique canal to supply the bone, while others run along the crest of the ilium
Ilium (bone)
The ilium is the uppermost and largest bone of the pelvis, and appears in most vertebrates including mammals and birds, but not bony fish. All reptiles have an ilium except snakes, although some snake species have a tiny bone which is considered to be an ilium.The name comes from the Latin ,...

, distributing branches to the gluteal and abdominal muscles, and anastomosing in their course with the superior gluteal artery
Superior gluteal artery
The superior gluteal artery is the largest branch of the internal iliac artery, and appears to be the continuation of the posterior division of that vessel....

, iliac circumflex artery, and the lateral circumflex femoral artery. This anastamosis occurs around the anterior superior iliac spine
Anterior superior iliac spine
The anterior superior iliac spine is an important landmark of surface anatomy. It refers to the anterior extremity of the iliac crest of the pelvis, which provides attachment for the inguinal ligament, and the sartorius muscle...

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