Ian Cook
Ian Cook is Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Exeter
University of Exeter
The University of Exeter is a public university in South West England. It belongs to the 1994 Group, an association of 19 of the United Kingdom's smaller research-intensive universities....

 in the UK, and formerly senior lecturer in geography at the University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
The University of Birmingham is a British Redbrick university located in the city of Birmingham, England. It received its royal charter in 1900 as a successor to Birmingham Medical School and Mason Science College . Birmingham was the first Redbrick university to gain a charter and thus...


Today he studies geographies of commodification, often with reference to exotic fruit, and is completing a book on ethnographic methods of inquiry. He has written widely on human geography.

Ian Cook and Mike Crang (in press) Doing ethnographies. London: Sage.
Paul Cloke, Ian Cook, Philip Crang, Mark Goodwin, Joe Painter & Chris Philo (2004) Practising human geographies. London: Sage
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