Hoche may refer to:
  • Lazare Hoche
    Lazare Hoche
    Louis Lazare Hoche was a French soldier who rose to be general of the Revolutionary army.Born of poor parents near Versailles, he enlisted at sixteen as a private soldier in the Gardes Françaises...

     (1768 - 1797), French general
  • Lycée Hoche
    Lycée Hoche
    The Lycée Hoche is a public secondary school located in Versailles, not very far away from the famous Palace of Versailles. Formerly, it had been a nunnery founded by French queen Maria Leszczyńska. However, after the French Revolution, it became a school in 1803...

    , a secondary school in Versailles, France
    The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

  • The Hoche
    French battleship Hoche (1886)
    The Hoche was an early battleship of the French Navy. She used the 340mm/28 Modèle 1881 gun as her main armament, like the Marceau class which followed....

    , a French battleship
  • Hoche
    Hoche (Paris Metro)
    Hoche is a station of the Paris Métro, serving Line 5.The name refers to the rue Hoche, named for the 18th-century general Lazare Hoche....

    , a Paris Métro
    Paris Métro
    The Paris Métro or Métropolitain is the rapid transit metro system in Paris, France. It has become a symbol of the city, noted for its density within the city limits and its uniform architecture influenced by Art Nouveau. The network's sixteen lines are mostly underground and run to 214 km ...

  • Alfred Hoche
    Alfred Hoche
    Alfred Erich Hoche was a German psychiatrist well-known for his writings about eugenics and euthanasia.-Life:Hoche studied in Berlin and Heidelberg and became a psychiatrist in 1890. He moved to Strasbourg in 1891. From 1902 he was a professor at Freiburg im Breisgau and was a director of the...

    (1865–1943), German psychiatrist
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