Heavy Metal Heroes
Heavy Metal Heroes is the first studio album
Studio album
A studio album is an album made up of tracks recorded in the controlled environment of a recording studio. A studio album contains newly written and recorded or previously unreleased or remixed material, distinguishing itself from a compilation or reissue album of previously recorded material, or...

 by the heavy metal
Heavy metal music
Heavy metal is a genre of rock music that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the Midlands of the United Kingdom and the United States...

 band Oz
Oz (band)
Oz is a heavy metal band from Finland who formed in 1977 and split in 1991. In 2010 drummer Mark Ruffneck , bassist and main songwriter Jay C...


The title was first released as "The Oz". The second issue was called "Heavy Metal Heroes".

Track listing

Line up

  • Eero Hamalainen - Vocals
  • Kari Elo - Guitar
  • Tauno Vajavaara - Bass
  • Mark Ruffneck - Drums
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