Harbor Moon
Harbor Moon is an original horror graphic novel
Graphic novel
A graphic novel is a narrative work in which the story is conveyed to the reader using sequential art in either an experimental design or in a traditional comics format...

 created by Ryan Colucci
Ryan Colucci
Ryan Patrick Colucci is an American feature film producer and writer.-Career:After graduating from USC's Peter Stark Producing Program, he worked at Snoot Entertainment, where he was a producer on the CG-animated feature Battle for Terra...

 in 2010. Written by Colucci and Dikran Ornekian, with a story by Brian Anderson and artwork by Polish artist Pawel Sambor.

The book debuted at San Diego Comic-con 2010 through Shuster award winning publisher Arcana Studio
Arcana Studio
Arcana Studio is a Canadian comic book publisher and art studio founded by former Coquitlam, British Columbia school teacher Sean O'Reilly in 2004.-Overview:...


Harbor Moon tells the story of professional soldier Timothy Vance. When he receives information from someone claiming to be his long-lost father, he takes a trip to out-of-the-way Harbor Moon, Maine. It turns out that man hasn’t been there in thirty years and pretty soon Tim’s life is in danger. Fighting for the truth and his survival, Tim discovers that Harbor Moon is harboring a secret. The entire town is werewolves and the man he was looking for may be just like them. Just as a ruthless band of werewolf hunters descend upon the town, Tim must decide whether he is going to stay and fight or turn his back on what he really is.
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