Hans Oskar Evju
Hans Oskar Evju was a Norwegian politician for the Centre Party
Centre Party (Norway)
The Centre Party is a centrist and agrarian political party in Norway, founded in 1920. The Centre Party's policy is not based on any of the major ideologies of the 19th and 20th century, but has a focus on maintaining decentralised economic development and political decision-making.From its...


He was born in Sandsvær
Sandsvær is a former municipality in Buskerud county, Norway.Historically, Sandsvær as a part of Sandsvær og Numedal fogderi had belonged to Akershus amt from 7 February 1685 In 1760 Sandsvær fogderi was moved administratively to Buskerud....


He was elected to the Norwegian Parliament from Buskerud
is a county in Norway, bordering Akershus, Oslo, Oppland, Sogn og Fjordane, Hordaland, Telemark, and Vestfold. The county administration is located in Drammen.-Geography:...

 in 1950, and was re-elected on one occasion. He had previously served as a deputy representative during the term 1928–1930 and 1931–1933.

Evju was a long-time member of Ytre Sandsvær
Ytre Sandsvær
Ytre Sandsvær is a former municipality in Buskerud county, Norway.It was created when Sandsvær was split into Ytre and Øvre Sandsvær on 1 January 1908. At that time Ytre Sandsvær had a population of 3,245....

 municipal council, most notably serving as mayor in the period 1931–1934. He was also a member of Buskerud county council
County council (Norway)
A County Council is the highest governing body of the county municipalities in Norway. The county council sets the scope of the county municipal activity. The council is led by a chairman or county mayor...


Outside of politics, he worked with farming and forestry.
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