HLA-DR6 is a broad-antigen serotype that is further split into HLA-DR13
HLA-DR13 is a HLA-DR serotype that recognizes the DRB1*1301 to *13082, *1310 and some other *13 gene products. DR13 serotype is a split antigen of the older HLA-DR6 serotype group which also contains the similar HLA-DR14 antigens.-Alleles:...

and HLA-DR14
HLA-DR14 is a HLA-DR serotype that recognizes the DRB1*1401 to *1408, *1410 to *1418, and other *14 gene products. DR14 serotype is a split antigen of the older HLA-DR6 serotype group which also contains the similar HLA-DR13 antigens.-Alleles:...

antigen serotypes.


DR13, DR6 and other serotype recognition of some DRB1*13 and DRB1*14 alleles
DRB1* DR13 DR6 DR14 Sample
allele % % % size (N)
1301 81 14 1 3788
1302 74 17 2 3081
1303 69 10 2 948
1304 87 127
1305 54 12 305
1306 78 9
1307 >50 1
1308 45 55 9
1310 >75 5
DRB1* DR14 DR6 DR13 N
1401 74 14 3 1942
1402 61 13 9 204
1403 72 12 2 37
1404 79 8 80
1405 86 10 58
1406 37 15 22 117
1407 90 10
1408 25 4
1410 >75 4

DR6 serological reactivity is relatively poor compared to other serological tests for DR antigens. Compare to DQ2 or DR7.
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